The Course “Educational linguistics” falls within the domain of the Basic learning activities labelled “Philology, General and Applied Linguistics” of the Degree Course in Languages and Cultural-Linguistic Mediation, specifically the activities aiming at providing adequate tools for the analysis and the theoretical study of language acquisition and language teaching.
The course aims to provide:
Knowledge of the phenomena characterising the process of spontaneous acquisition of languages, with a specific focus on developmental sequences in interlanguage and the development of the ability to use Italian as an L2. Attention to variability, systematicity and factors affecting the developmental path.
Knowledge of the characteristic of the interaction between native and non-native speakers, and of its importance for language acquisition. Focus on input modification and negotiation, the role of input and feedback.
Knowledge of the role of instruction in language learning, with specific reference to how teachers can strenghthen and enhance the natural process of language acquisition.
Development of intercultural competence based on awareness about the relationship between language and culture. The role of culture in the learning process of a second language, with particular reference to linguistic pragmatics as an interface between language and culture.
Knowledge of the main instruments used to analyse linguistic behaviour in different cultures, and of the main results of research in the area of cross-cultural, intercultural and interlanguage pragmatics.
Knowledge of the role of instruction in the learning of pragmatic aspects of an L2, and ability to reflect on learnability and teachability of cultural-pragmatic aspects of second languages.
Expected Learning Outcomes: students will know the process of language acquisition, the role of context and learning strategies; they will be able to use metalinguistic reflection; they will be aware of their linguistic repertoire and able to use cross-linguistic comparison to enhance their learning; they will know the processes of listening, speaking, reading and writing; they will know the main teaching techniques and technologies; they will be aware of the relationship between language and culture, and the role of the latter in the language learning process; they will be able to reflect on the learnability and teachability of cultural-pragmatic aspects of languages.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710517 DIDATTICA DELLE LINGUE MODERNE OCI in Lingue e mediazione linguistico-culturale L-12 NUZZO ELENA


First part. An overview of some key issues in second language learning research, with particular reference to the concept of interlanguage and the characteristics of interlanguage development in relationship to the four macro skills. Focus. Students are provided with knowledge and skills needed to analyse learners' varieties and interactional aspects of communication between native and non-native speakers.
Second part: students are invited to reflect on pragmatics as an interface between language and culture, from an ethno-linguistic perspective. The challenges of intercultural communication are discussed, starting by the comparison between different ways of realizing and interpreting the same speech acts. Issues specifically related to the learning and teaching of pragmatic competence are then addressed.
Focus: some examples of empirical studies on cross-cultural, intercultural and interlanguage pragmatics are presented and discussed.

Core Documentation

1) Bonvino E., Cortés Velasquez D., De meo A., Fiorenza E., Agire in L2. Processi e strumenti nella linguistica educativa, Milano, Hoepli, 2023. [book]
2) Goo, J., Interaction in L2 Learning. In J. Schwieter & A. Benati (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Language Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019, pp. 233-257. [book chapter]
3) Bettoni C., Usare un'altra lingua. Guida alla pragmatica interculturale, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2006. [book]
4) un contributo a scelta tra i seguenti:
- Magliacane A., L’utilizzo di marcatori discorsivi nella lingua seconda: uno studio longitudinale sull’utilizzo di ‘you know’ da parte di studenti Erasmus, in Nuzzo & Vedder (eds.), Lingua in contesto. La prospettiva pragmatica, Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 2019, pp. 215-230. [book chapter]
- Badan L. & Romagnoli C., I segnali discorsivi in italiano e cinese: un'analisi preliminare di na e allora, in Nuzzo & Vedder (eds.), Lingua in contesto. La prospettiva pragmatica, Associazione Italiana di Linguistica Applicata, 2019, pp. 199-213. [book chapter]

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons and laboratories.


Lessons and laboratories.

Type of evaluation

Open-ended questions