The course aims at developing the following general learning objectives in order to develop in students the specific knowledge, skills and expertise in the human resources areas of education and in business organizations with reference to the European perspective of lifelong learning, the VET and to the demands of continuing education.
The course presents the main theoretical foundations of the organization, emphasising the educational problems (in particular the company, the organizational structure, the operating systems, the different organizational forms, the development trends of the organization), the organizational shape of central structures: the central management, the personnel function (organizational structure and role); emerging perspectives in lifelong learning in observance of the Italian and European legislation and an analysis of issues related to adapting workers’ skills; an analysis of training sub-systems: training needs analysis, delivery and evaluation of results, design of the training process, basic training, specialized training, management training, different training methods and reporting systems.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22902253-1 PEDAGOGIA DELLE RISORSE UMANE E DELLE ORGANIZZAZIONI in Scienze pedagogiche e scienze dell'educazione degli adulti e della formazione continua LM-85 ALESSANDRINI GIUDITTA


Program Module I - Education of human resources and organizations
The course is divided into three modules of 10 hours each (for a total of 30 hours). In the first module we introduce the main themes of the discipline, giving particular attention to the dimensions of the contemporary debate. The topics will cover the organizational models, the methodologies of human resources management and recruitment in different organizational contexts, the relationship between learning and knowledge with particular reference to the issue of organizational cultures and sensemaking. In the context of a reflection on the contemporary transformations of labor induced by digitalization we will study 'the theme of Industry.4 and the smart working. The second module focuses on the approach of communities of practice, as a tool for training and knowledge management in organizations. In the third area is the training in the workplace (Work-based learning) to be examined, contextualized in the European scenario and in reference to the frame work VET and CVET. In this context, we will 'also studied the issue of apprenticeship in its regulatory developments and design. It is foreseen the participation of witnesses who will share their experience with particular regard to the field of Interprofessional Funds and experience of business finance. The last area, the fourth, faces the theme of the Human Development Index (HDI the issue, the theories of Sen and Nussbaum: the capability approach and social justice). The modules will provide Students with the methodological tools to interpret the complexity of organizational development and training in the workplace and generally in public and private organizations. The course consists of lectures alternating with periods of training design and case studies. In each module there will be a workshop to exercise on issues pertaining to the module topic itself. In each workshop some works of collaborative design will be started; these works will form part of the exam.

Area 1
• The socio-organizational pedagogy of human resources and organizations: theoretical framework
• Workshop on the “Analysis of knowledge”
• Workshop “Smart Working: case studies”
Area 2
• The theoretical approach of communities of practice
• Workshop “Project Management”
Area 3
• Work based learning, CVET e VET
• The competency model: the construct analysis
• Validation and certification of competences: the European approach (ECVET, EQF)
Area 4
• The foundations of the approach Nussbaum: capabilities and educational welfare
• Dimensions educational approach to habitat capability in social and educational

* Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children.

Core Documentation

Reference books
• Alessandrini G. (2016), Nuovo Manuale per l’esperto dei processi formativi. Canoni teorico-metodologici, Carocci, Roma
• Alessandrini G. (2016), Smart Working. Nuove skill e competenze, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce
• Alessandrini G. (2017), Atlante di Pedagogia del lavoro, FrancoAngeli, Milano (prima e terza parte)
• Alessandrini G. (2019), Lavorare nelle risorse umane. Formazione e Competenze 4.0, Armando, Roma

Books of your choice (One book):
• Alessandrini G. (2004), Pedagogia delle risorse umane e delle organizzazioni, Guerini, Milano (prima parte)
• Alessandrini G. (2014), La “pedagogia” di Martha Nussbaum. Approccio alle capacità e sfide educative, Franco Angeli, Milano
• Alessandrini G. (2013), La formazione al centro dello sviluppo umano. Crescita, lavoro, formazione, Giuffrè, Milano (prima parte)
• Alessandrini G. (2007), Comunità di pratica e società della conoscenza, “Le Bussole”, Carocci, Roma
• Alessandrini G. & De Natale M.L. (2015), Il dibattito sulle competenze: quale prospettiva pedagogica?, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce (Introduzione, CAP. IV, V, VI, VII, IX, X, XII, XV, XVI)
• Alessandrini G. (2014), Apprendistato, Competenze e prospettive di Occupabilità, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce (prima parte)
• Alessandrini G., Pignalberi C. (2011), Comunità di pratica e Pedagogia del lavoro. Voglia di comunità in azienda, Pensa Multimedia, Lecce
* You will be agreed with the teacher the choice of a classic pedagogy of human resources.

Program Module II - Business Organisation and continuing education
Refer to the online bulletin board of the teacher (Dott. Pierluigi Richini).

Type of delivery of the course

The Course will consist of two weekly meetings with theoretical modules and workshop modules. The course includes the development of a Project Work on issues of the Course. Information for foreign students: Foreign Students may substitute the recommended books with others, after meeting with the Professor, but inherent in principle with the theoretical and methodological areas of the program.


Attendance is optional but advisable for a better understanding of the Course contents.

Type of evaluation

The final exam consists of an oral interview with the aim of ascertaining the actual acquisition of the expected contents. The final exam is divided into two parts: the first consists of an interview on the module "Business organization and continuous training (prof. Richini)" and in a second test - always in the interview mode - for the module "Resource education human beings and organizations (prof. Alessandrini) ". The final exam aims to ascertain the knowledge of the topics included in the study program both in terms of the volumes indicated in the "mandatory texts" section and in the in-depth study of the topics - and the motivation for choice - of the volume chosen from a list of "recommended texts". The evaluation is unique and is determined by the average grade obtained by the prof. Richini and subsequently from the form of prof. Alessandrini. The duration of the oral test is approximately thirty minutes.