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Mutuazione: 20704070 GIORNALISMO - SPECIALISTICO in Informazione, editoria, giornalismo LM-19 DI FRISCHIA FRANCESCO


Being a journalist today requires preparation, commitment, sacrifice, desire to deepen every day and constant updating: it is a fascinating daily challenge with oneself, before that with colleagues and between newspapers. This job has profoundly changed since the birth of the Internet in 1991 to the present, due to the new tools and technologies we have, but principles (honesty and fairness), strategies, sensitivity and courage always are the same and they are the keys to do a good work. Objectivity and the search for truth (when there are no more than one truth and therefore all must be told) must lead the information professional in a forest full of traps, pitfalls and large and small obstacles.
Among the topics that are deepened:
The principles of journalism and the work of telling facts and events today: have the rules changed compared to 50 years ago?
The rights and duties of the journalist. The rules on which the journalist's work is based: the Italian Constitution, the Code of Deontology and the Privacy law. Threats to the right to information.
How to write an article and the five "w" (but someone says they are six). How to use adjectives and verbs.
How to write an article. The different kinds of articles: white and judicial news. Verification of sources.
How to write an article in Economics. How to make a title. The path from the collection of information to the final draft of the article.
How a correspondent works, an expert on foreign affairs and a war correspondent.
Journalism on the web. Cross media and the relationship between old and new media, between competition and integration.
The interview: how to prepare, the meeting, the drafting of the text. Photojournalism and videos: yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Political information: language. All-news TV and breaking news.
The newspaper and the online newspaper. How to compose a paper publication. And how you work on a newspaper website.
How to communicate on social networks
Information and publicity. Online information: quality is expensive. The journalist facing the future information scenarios.

Core Documentation

• Exam texts: "The profession of the journalist" by Stefano Natoli - Published by the Journalistic Documentation Center

Type of evaluation

Evaluation method: oral exam