20710497 - GENERAL LINGUISTICS LM (module B)

The course General Linguistics B LM ( Module “Lexicon and semantics”) falls within the domain of the complementary learning activities of the Degree Course (Master level) of Modern Languages for International Communication, specifically the activities aiming at a deeper level of competence in Linguistics.
The course provides the theoretical knowledge and the means for an advanced analysis of lexicon and semantics, regarding above all Italian but also with hints for comparative studies, and offers to students some cues for possible personal research activities on the aspects dealt with during the lectures.
Expected learning outcomes: The students will acquire theoretical knowledge and will be able to use tools for an advanced analysis of lexicon and semantics in Italian, but also with a comparative perspective, also for possible future research activities.
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Mutuazione: 20710497 LINGUISTICA GENERALE B LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 CERBASI DONATO


Textbook: E. Jezek, “Il lessico. Classi di parole, strutture, combinazioni”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.

Chapter 1 - Nozioni di base (Basic concepts of lexicology)
Except table 1.2, "Profili sintagmatici assimilabili alla parola", and table 1.3, "Tipologia della parola".
Chapter 2 - L'informazione lessicale (Lexical information).
Chapter 3 - Il significato delle parole (The meaning of words).
Chapter 4 - La struttura globale del lessico (The global structure of lexicon).
Chapter 5 - Strutture paradigmatiche del lessico (Paradigmatic structures of lexicon).
Except paragraph 7, "Configurazioni lessicali".
Chapter 6 - Strutture sintagmatiche del lessico (Syntagmatic structures of lexicon).

Core Documentation

E. Jezek, “Il lessico. Classi di parole, strutture, combinazioni”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2011.

Type of delivery of the course

Traditional classes in Italian language.

Type of evaluation

Written exam (three open-ended questions; time: 70 minutes). Oral exam on Teams (in September 2020) only if specifically requested by the student for reasons related to the pandemic.