The students will achieve advanced competence in the analysis of the intercultural and intermedial processes at work in the literatures of the United States and the Anglophone regions of America. Special attention will be devoted to the trans-cultural geographies, ethnic identities, cultural hybridizations, and the relationship between the media and the arts. Advanced translation practices.
teacher profile | teaching materials


After defining the American political, cultural and literary context of the first half of the twentieth century, the course aims to analyze the relationships between literature and different forms of art and language in their interrelation with the politics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It will concentrate on the production of representative American artists, writers, directors from the twentieth century to the present day. In a second moment, we will focus on the theater of Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Williams and Arthur Miller.
The North American theater, opposed by the Puritans of New England, has its first (mostly imitative) manifestations in the southern colonies during the seventeenth century and continues, with local and melodramatic tinges, in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. The great theater has its major development in the twentieth century, with O'Neill, Williams (in the South) and A. Miller -- the latter reaching the twenty-first century. The classic crosses it, like a fil rouge, up to the contemporary age, renewing itself from time to time in its forms and contents. A volume "in progress" edited by Caterina Ricciardi highlights many aspects of classical art in various authors of the twentieth century in the United States.
The second part of the course will be devoted to the study of literary works published from the second half of the twentieth century until the present day and to their adaptations for the screen.

Core Documentation

E. O'Neill, "Desire under the Elms", "A Long Day's Journey into Night"
T. Williams, "A Streetcar Named Desire"
A. Miller, "Death of a Salesman"

Tennessee Williams, "The Rose Tattoo" (1950) - Daniel Mann, "The Rose Tattoo" (1955)
Lorraine Hansberry, "A Raisin in the Sun" - Daniel Petrie (1961), Bill Duke (1989), "A Raisin in the Sun"
David Henry Hwang, "M. Butterfly" (1988) - David Cronenberg, "M. Butterfly" (1993)
Hillary Jordan, "Mudbound" (2008) - Dee Rees, "Mudbound" (2017)

Reference Bibliography

Chris Bigsby, "A Critical Introduction to Twentieth-Century American Drama: Vols 1, 2 and 3", specificamente le parti dedicate ai tre autori fondamentali. Linda Hutcheon with Siobhan O'Flynn, A Theory of Adaptation (2nd ed.). London-New York: Routledge, 2013. Thomas Leitch, The History of American Literature on Film. New York-London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019. La scelta delle edizioni è libera. La maggior parte dei testi è reperibile nella Biblioteca Petrocchi tramite "discovery".

Type of evaluation

The learning is verified through an oral test aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of the knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the course. In addition, the final assessment will be carried out: active participation in class discussions; the delivery of specific work to be carried out independently; a final paper. Please note: due to the COVID19 emergency exams will be oral and will take place via video-conference on Microsoft Teams.

teacher profile | teaching materials


After defining the American political, cultural and literary context of the first half of the twentieth century, the course aims to analyze the relationships between literature and different forms of art and language in their interrelation with the politics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. It will deepen the production of some American artists, writers, directors from the twentieth century to the present day. In a second moment, we will focus on the theater of Eugene O'Neill, Tennessee Wiliams and Artur Miller.
The North American theater, opposed by the puritans of New England, has its first manifestations in the southern colonies in 600 (mostly imitative) and continues, with local colors and melodramatic, in 700 and 800. The great theater has great development in the twentieth century, with O'Neill, Williams (south) and A. Miller, the last of which goes beyond the century to reach the twenty-first century. The classic crosses it, fil rouge, up to the contemporaneity, renewing itself from time to time in the forms and in the contents.
An "in progress" volume edited by Caterina Ricciardi highlights many aspects of classical art in various authors of the twentieth century in the United States.

Core Documentation

Module 1-6 CFU The exam will be in English

*Lawrence Ferlinghetti, "Away above a Harborful" In 'Pictures of the Gone World' San Francisco, Pocket Poets Series, City Lights Publications, 1955.
*Kenneth Patchen, “Picture Poems', https://www.pinterest.it/pin/38773246761932816/?autologin=true
*Nathaniel Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown”
*Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire, directed by Elia Kazan, versione integrale del film (Biblioteca DAMS) Per il play, qualsiasi edizione.
Kenneth Tynan et al. Oh! Calcutta! (cfr. www) Per lo script (online), vedi link: https://archive.org/details/ohcalcuttaentert00tyna -- OPTIONAL
*Video: "Portrait of Jason", directed by Shirley Clarke (Videoteca del Dipartimento).
Video: The Watermelon Woman by Cheryl Dunye (online) -- OPTIONAL
*Video: Stranger Inside, directed by Cheryl Dunye (Amazon.it, online orders)

Reference Bibliography

Module 1-6 CFU CRITICISM ON: VISUAL CULTURE *Film: Blow-up, directed by Michelangelo Antonioni (you tube, rentable) Saggio: “Visual culture” (handed out) ON POEMS, PLAYS, FILMS *M.A.S. "Ferlinghetti's First Picture of the Gone World", City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books, ed. by M.A.S., Roma-Palermo, Ila Palma, 2004, pp. 123-150, *Larry Smith, "Lawrence Ferlinghetti: Poet-At-Large", Southern California U.P., 1983 [limitatamente a Ferlinghetti come Poeta all'epoca dei Pocket Poets City Lights Publications] or Larry Smith, 'The San Francisco Revival in Poetry and City Lights Books', entrambi in City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books', ed. by M.A.S., ivi, pp. 31-71. *Larry Smith, “Kenneth Patchen”, in in City Lights. Pocket Poets and Pocket Books, ed. by M.A.S., ivi, pp. 46-56. NOTA: THE BOOK CITY LIGHTS. POCKET POETS AND POCKET BOOKS IS AVAILABLE FROM PROF. STEFANELLI (ONCE WE ARE ALLOWED OUT OF OUR HOUSES, OR BY APPOINTMENT) *M.A.S., Kenneth Patchen: Forme Spettacolari, Roma, Aracne, 2008 (Aracne, online orders) *--- “When in the Course of Human Events”, Letterature d’America, Anno XXIII, nn. 98-99 (2003), pp. 161-194. *--- “Paint with Light, or to Make the Invisible Visible. Tennessee Williams, Jo Mielziner, and A Streetcar Named Desire”, in Alessandro Clericuzio, One Hundred Years of Desire. Tennessee Williams 1911-2011, Perugia, Guerra Edizioni, 2012. * “Miti allo specchio: Blanche Dubois e La dame aux Camélias”, in Mirroring Myths, a cura di Vito Zagarrio, Roma Tre Press 2019 (online, Roma Tre Press, Roma Tre website), pp. 227-238 http://romatrepress.uniroma3.it/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Mirroring-Myths.-Miti-allo-specchio-tra-cinema-americano-ed-europeo-2.pdf *M.A.S., "In Search of Empowerment: Shirley Clarke's 'Portrait of Jason' and Cheryl Dunye's 'The Watermelon Woman'" In EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SOCIAL SCIENCES, vol. 1, pp.55-61 (online) *M.A.S. “Stranger Inside” Director Cheryl Dunye. Gli studenti non frequentanti possono sostituire uno degli autori con: Kenneth Tynan et al. "Oh! Calcutta! An entertainment with music" (1968) Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980: Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming; Internet Archive. Chi volesse presentare un paper su un argomento del corso può scrivere alla docente per accordi: stefanel@uniroma3.it

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be structured into a series of teaching units including frontal lectures, the presentation of a case-study, the oral delivery of the different forms and themes, and the independent study of a work of the same style and quality as those dealt with in class, chosen freely by the student. A power point presentation will be shown to the class by each of the students. Grading will be based on interactive comments in class, the discussion of the works approached, and a written specimen of the analysis undertaken in class, or derived from independent work.

Type of evaluation

oral test aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the course. The final evaluation will also be carried out by the students: Active participation in class discussions; the delivery of specific work to be carried out independently; a final paper