The course aims at offering the students thorough knowledge of Russian Literary Criticism, in particular of semiotic approach. The course aims also at offering the students methodological instruments they need to analyse literary complex and diversified texts. Students will be able to develop autonomously further cultural and literary knowledge and competences of a higher level applying them to other, specific literary texts.
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The course is divided into two modules.
The first module will be held by Ilaria Aletto (see the relevant sheet).

The second module will focus on the different types of housing in Russia, in particular on usad'ba and kommunal'naja kvartira through cultural, literary and filmic texts.

Core Documentation

The course is divided into two modules. For the module held by Prof. Aletto, see the relevant sheet.
For the module held by Prof.ssa Piccolo, the references are given below.

N.V. Gogol’, Starosvetskie pomeščiki
I.S. Turgenev, Dvorjanskoe gnezdo
A.P. Čechov, rasskazy (selected texts), Vyšnevyj sad
M. A. Bulgakov, Master i Margarita, Zojkina kvartira, Traktakt o žilišče
Ju. V. Trifonov, Dom na naberežnoj
V. Sorokin, Roman
V. Makanin, Andegraund ili geroj našego vremeni

Reference Bibliography

Critical readings Il mondo delle usad'by. Cultura e natura nelle dimore nobiliari russe XVIII-XIX sec., a cura di M.L. Dodero, Milano, 2007 (selected texts) Ju.M. Lotman, Dom v “Mastere i Margarite” (ed. diverse) L. Piccolo, Riscritture dello spazio urbano: l’appartamento in coabitazione (Kommunal’naja kvartira), in Letteratura e geografia. Atlanti, modelli, letture, a cura di F. Fiorentino e C. Solivetti, Macerata, Quodlibet, 2012, pp. 187-200. J. Van Haak, The House in Russian Literature. A Mythopoetic Exploration, Amsterdam/New York,Rodopi, 2009 (selected texts) Further information will be provided during the course. Filmography Ninočka (1939) Dom, v kotorom ja živu (1957) Gadjuka (1965) Pjat’ večerov (1978) Ironiia sud’by, ili s legkim parom (1975) Pokrovskie vorota (1982) Vostok i zapad (1994) Chrustalev, mašinu! (1998) Prostye vešči (2007) Kommunalka (2008) Poltory komnaty, ili sentimental’noe putešestvie na rodinu (2009)

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be taught mainly in Russian. The course will take place in frontal teaching mode.

Type of evaluation

Incoming students info June/July exams: oral online exam via Microsoft Team Erasmus students, or any exchange students, can take their examination in Russian, English or French. Arrangements are to be made before the exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials


From expressive movement to pathos: Sergei Mikhailovich Eisenstein's theory of montage

The module, part of Prof. Laura Piccolo's course, aims at providing an overview of the types of the eisenstenian montage. The lectures will trace the different definitions of montage elaborated by Eisenstein, between an experimentation carried throughout the directorial practice, and a theoretical reflection characterized by the search for a "universal" and, at the same time, protean methodological criterion.
The starting point will be the analysis of theories on cinema developed by the Formal school during the Twenties, to which Eisenstein, although strongly influenced by them, relates in an original way.

Core Documentation

Dnevnik Glumova (1923)
Stačka (1924)
Bronenosec Potemkin (1925)
Oktjabr’ (1927-28)
Que viva Mexico! (1930-1932)
General’naja linija (Staroe i novoe, 1926-29)
Bežin lug (1935-36)
Aleksandr Nevskij (1938)
Ivan Groznyj 1-aja (1941-1944) i 2-aja serija (1945)

Reference Bibliography

G. Buttafava, Il cinema russo e sovietico, a cura di F. Malcovati, Marsilio, Venezia, 2000, chapters referred to the 1908-1945 period. G. De Vincenti, “Alcuni concetti dell’elaborazione formalista nel campo cinematografico”, in Id., Alcuni concetti base nell’evoluzione del linguaggio cinematografico, Libreria dell’Università Editrice, Pescara 1988, pp. 23-55. Selected essays: - “Montaž attrakcionov” (v: Izbrannye proizvedenija, t. 2, sost. P. Ataševa, Moskva 1964). - “Il montaggio delle attrazioni cinematografiche” (da S. M. Ėjzenštejn, Il montaggio, ed. by P. Montani, Marsilio, Venezia 1986); - “Drammaturgia della forma cinematografica”; - “Il montaggio 1938”; - “Il montaggio verticale”. S. M. Ėjzenštejn, “L’atteggiamento materialistico verso la forma”, in Ejzenštejn, FEKS, Vertov. Teoria del cinema rivoluzionario. Gli anni Venti in URSS, ed. by P. Bertetto, Milano 1975, pp. 136-142. S. M. Ėjzenštejn, “Il futuro del sonoro. Dichiarazione”, in Id., Forma e tecnica del film e lezioni di regia, ed. by P. Gobetti, Torino 1964, pp. 523-524. S. M. Ėjzenštejn, “Organicità e immaginità”, in Id., Stili di regia. Narrazione e messa in scena: Leskov, Dumas, Zola, Dostoevskij, Gogol’, ed. by P. Montani e A. Cioni, Venezia 1993, pp. 287-308. S. M. Ėjzenštejn, “S zaranee obdumannym namereniem (Montaž attrakcionov)” (v: Metod, t. 1, sost. N. Klejman, Moskva 2002). A. Somaini, “Il montaggio nella storia delle arti”, in Id., Ejzenštejn. Il cinema, le arti, il montaggio, Torino 2011, pp. 310-349. The reference texts are available in the lecture notes.

Type of delivery of the course

The course includes both lectures and seminars. On the basis of the films watched and the analysis of the texts illustrated during the lectures, in the seminar part students will be able to apply their critical skills in a multi-voice debate.


Attendance is not compulsory.

Type of evaluation

The students are required to sit an oral examination. Attending students can sit a midterm exam.