The course aims to provide the acquisition of the skills equivalent to an advanced level of proficiency in Portuguese. We will explain the mechanisms of cohesion and textual coherence in Portuguese, then we will observe these phenomena at the level of translation theory and practice providing indications on methods and techniques of translation of texts of various types. In this respect special attention will be given to the oral reformulation.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The programme provides for the acquisition of in-depth linguistic and translating skills in specialist texts between Portuguese and Italian. Emphasis will be placed on preparation for translation, the collection of resources and ad hoc materials, the creation of terminology sheets and, finally, on the translation itself and the revision process.

Core Documentation

Magris, Marella (2002), Manuale di terminologia aspetti teorici, metodologici e applicativi, Milano, Hoepli.
Scarpa, Federica (2008), La traduzione specializzata. Un approccio didattico professionale, Milano, Hoepli.
Pippa, S. (2018), “Due lingue ‘speciali’: una riflessione sul portoghese e la traduzione scientifica verso l’italiano”. In (a cura di) Paola Faini, Terminologia, linguaggi specialistici, traduzione. Prospettive teoriche e pratiche, Trento, Tangram Edizioni Scientifiche. pp. 81-92.
Pippa, S. (2018), “Intercompreensão escrita e línguas especializadas: as vantagens das homogeneidades e os desafios das variações”. In (a cura di) Marianne Hepp
Martina Nied Curcio, Educazione plurilingue: ricerca, didattica e politiche linguistiche, Roma, Istituto Italiano Studi Germanici, pp.167-177.

Other translation materials will be made available during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and workshops

Type of evaluation

Preparation of a theoretical-practical dossier on a specialized translation assigned by the teacher