The European language 1 MA course comes under the core educational activities of the MA course in Modern Languages for International Communication and, specifically, among the founding and cross-curricular activities aimed at deepening knowledge and competences in both the linguistic, cultural and textual heritage of the languages studied. The course aims at providing further deepening of specific knowledge and area specific analytical and methodological competences, while strengthening those already acquired during the previous three-year Bachelor’s degree course. On the basis of the competence levels required for access and in view of the C1 level achievement in all competences foreseen at the end of the second year, the course is aimed at the consolidation and strengthening of the entry levels and at deepening the linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic competences in the language object of study in international communication contexts.
Specifically, the following will be further deepened:
a) ability to interact in the foreign language also within specialist contexts;
b) ability to analyse written, spoken and multimedia genres and text typologies within general and specialised language use;
c) knowledge and comprehension of the theoretical and applied aspects of mediation and translation processes;
c.1) analysis, translation and production of short texts belonging to different textual genres and produced in a number of specialised sectors (workshop);
d) application of acquired knowledge to different textual typologies;
e) (spoken and written) mediation competences within multilingual and multicultural interaction contexts;
f) knowledge and use of information technology tools for corpora analysis (written, spoken and multimedia texts);
g) capacity of planning brief research studies on the language/s studied;
g.1) analysis of research studies and use of information technology tools (e.g. Corpora software) in the language studied (workshop).
Expected learning results: students will have linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic competence in the language object of study in international communication contexts; they will be able to interact in the foreign language also in specialist contexts; to analyse written, spoken and multimedia genres and textual typologies; to understand mediation and translation processes; they will have competences of mediation in multilingual and multicultural interaction contexts, of planning short research studies on the language studied; they will know (and be able to use) the information and technology tools for corpora analysis.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Topic of the course:
" Phraseologisms and the use of dictionaries, parallel texts and corpora".

After a short introduction into the terminology of phraseologism we will discuss specific strategies and the use of research tools (online dictionaries, parallel texts and corpora). Metalinguistic reflection and several exercises of translation and mediation will be an important element of the course.

Core Documentation

1) Burger, Harald (42010): Phraseologie. Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Deutschen. Berlin: Schmidt, S. 11-58, 120-121, 155-178, 179-204. (Grundbegriffe, Phraseologismen im Text, Phraseologismen im Wörterbuch)
2) Nied Curcio, Martina (2018): Das adäquate Benutzen von Wörterbüchern, (Übersetzungs-)korpora und Paralleltexten als strategische Kompetenz. In: Nied Curcio, Martina/ Cortés Velásquez, Diego (Hrsg.): Strategien im Kontext des mehrsprachigen und lebenslangen Lernens. (Reihe: Sprachen lehren – Sprachen lernen. hrsg. von Peggy Katelhön und Martina Nied Curcio. Band 6). Berlin: Frank&Timme, 285-313.
3) Nied Curcio, Martina (2019, in Druck): Das Nachschlagen von Phrasemen in Online-Wörterbüchern und Applikationen – ein Problem für Fremdsprachenlernende?! In: Konecny, Christine / Autelli, Erica / Abel, Andrea / Zanasi, Lorenzo (eds.): Lexemkombinationen und typisierte Rede im mehrsprachigen Kontext. 2 Bd. Tübingen: Stauffenburg [Stauffenburg Linguistik]. [If not printed in time, students will get the pdf-file]

Inoltre, solo per gli studenti del "European Master in Lexicography":
6. Möhring, Jupp (2011): Kollokationen im Lernerwörterbuch – Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Linguistik online 47, 3/11.

1. Duden. Deutsches Universalwörterbuch A-Z. Mannheim: Dudenverlag.
2.a. For Italian students: Luisa Giacoma/ Susanne Kolb: Il nuovo dizionario di Tedesco. Firenze: Zanichelli, 4th edition, 2019.
2.b. For the students of the "European Master in Lexicography": Pons Wörterbuch. Studienausgabe Englisch (ISBN 9783125176270)
3. Free online-dictionaries (linguee, dwds.de, duden.de, wordreference,...)

Type of delivery of the course

Lecture, seminar and exercises alternate and complete each other. The course is held in German, with contrastive aspects of Italian-German and English-German. The course is also offered to students of the "European Master in Lexicography" (Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree Programme).


It is highly recommended to attend the course, due to the combination of theory and practice.

Type of evaluation

ATTENTION! Oral interview, held via audio-video conference with the use of Microsoft Teams software.