Refinement of:
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to apply acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.
Analysis and translation of short texts from a variety of genres and specialised domains.
a) knowledge and understanding of the main features of the foreign language;
b) ability to communicate ideas, attitudes and intentions;
c) ability to apply acquired knowledge to texts used in selected professional contexts.
Analysis and translation of short texts from a variety of genres and specialised domains.
teacher profile teaching materials
The course aims to consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar and vocabulary and to develop listening and reading comprehension skills in the tourism sector.
Additional reading materials and bibliographic suggestions will be given in class.
Fruizione: 20706103 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE RUSSA 1 LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 N0 BENIGNI VALENTINA
Introduction to the contrastive analysis of specialized languages in Russian and Italian: Russian language for tourism.The course aims to consolidate knowledge of Russian grammar and vocabulary and to develop listening and reading comprehension skills in the tourism sector.
Core Documentation
A. Bogomolov, Novosti iz Rossii. Russkij jazyk v sredstvax massovoj informacii, Moskva, 2006, RJAAdditional reading materials and bibliographic suggestions will be given in class.
Attendance at lessons is highly recommendedType of evaluation
The oral examination will be held remotely via Microsoft Teams