teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 20710462 Literatur und Intermedialität in Lingue e letterature per la didattica e la traduzione LM-37 FIORENTINO FRANCESCO


The module proposes the analysis of textes of Gustav Meyrink, Franz Kafka, Heinrich and Klaus Mann, Arthur Schnitzler with a special focus on their historical-cultural and psychoanalitic dimension, but also on their transmedial adaptations.

Core Documentation

Gustav Meyrink, Der Golem
Heinrich Mann, Professor Unrat
Franz Kafka, Der Prozess,
Arthur Schnitzler, Traumnovelle
Klaus Mann, Mephisto

Carl Boese, Paul Wegener: Der Golem, wie er in die Welt kam
Josef von Sternberg: Der blaue Engel
Orson Welles: The Trial
István Szabó: Mephisto
Stanley Kubrick: Eyes Wide Shut

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place in frontal teaching mode. Attendance is strongly recommended. For students who do not attend the course, supplements to the online program will be provided.

Type of evaluation

Interview on issues discussed during the course and on the exam texts (video conference interview with Microsoft Teams). It is possible to agree with the professor to write an essay on a topic that will be discussed during the exam.