20710466 - Do e para o português: recursos, ferramentas e estratégias na prática tradutória especializada

Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.

Do e para o português: recursos, ferramentas e estratégias na prática tradutória especializada/ From and to Portuguese: resources, tools and strategies in specialized translation practice is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It provides language knowledge and communication skills in Portuguese (C1+ according to the CEFR) in the diverse dimensions of variation. Particular emphasis will be placed on parameters that affect language use in various socio-cultural and pragmatic contexts. The theoretical study and the consolidation of the ability to analyse specific genres and types of text will be the basis of an approach to translation that takes into account criteria that are external to the text (such as the communicative intention of the sender and the receivers), as well as internal, like cognitive content, the expected recipients’ level of knowledge, lexical and syntactic characteristics, additional elements such as tables, graphs, etc. A part of the module consists in a laboratory that will be focused on translation, particularly on the phases of preparation, development and revision, as well as on finding resources and how to use several support tools.
At the end of the module students will be able to: communicate at a high level of proficiency, both orally and in writing; carry out an independent analysis of the socio-cultural and pragmatic aspects of communication in Portuguese, and of different types of texts; reflect on the translation process; revise texts in Portuguese and translate them into Italian; use tools and bibliographic resources for linguistic-translational analysis and translation appropriately.

Requirements: Students must have already taken O português no mundo: variações diatópicas, proximidades românicas, intercompreensão/ Portuguese language in the world: diatopic variations, romanesque proximities, intercomprehension.
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The course proposes to deal with the audiovisual translation of audiovisual texts of a functional nature from a sociolinguistic perspective, both in the practice of on-the-spot subtitling carried out by the students through the use of Subtitle Edit software, and from the analysis of audiovisual products present (and not) in the Italian audiovisual scenario. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the tools to subtitle Portuguese and Brazilian audiovisual products (technical-translational skills) and to reflect critically on European Portuguese (PE) and Brazilian Portuguese (PB), through translation practice. Furthermore, they will have refined their linguistic-communicative skills in the two varieties (PE and PB). These knowledge and skills will be acquired through regular participation in classes and other supplementary teaching activities.

Core Documentation

Gian Luigi De Rosa, Mondi Doppiati. Tradurre l’audiovisivo dal portoghese tra variazione linguistica e problematiche traduttive, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
Gian Luigi De Rosa , Traduzione audiovisiva e adeguatezza sociolinguistica, in Monica Lupetti e Valeria Tocco (a cura di), Traduzione e autotraduzione: un percorso attraverso i generi letterari, ETS, Pisa, 2013, pp. 279-294.
Gian Luigi De Rosa, Sottotitolare «Arena» e «Cine Holiúdy» ovvero la traduzione audiovisiva dalla prospettiva sociolinguistica, in Rivista di Studi Portoghesi e Brasiliani, XV – 2013, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma, 2014, pp. 57-67.

Reference Bibliography

Pavesi Maria, La traduzione filmica. Aspetti del parlato doppiato dall’inglese all’italiano, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2005. Perego Elisa, La traduzione audiovisiva, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2005. Rossi, Fabio, Il linguaggio cinematografico, Aracne editrice, 2006 (http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/9788854807990.pdf)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures will alternate with workshop-based lessons, including in-class subtitling exercises and project work. There will be homework, which students will have to bring to class for collective correction.

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, the student will have to present a project work: each student will choose a short fictional video (about 5-10 minutes long), of which there is no Italian version, and, using the software used during the course, will produce an Italian subtitle. The video, although chosen by the student, must receive prior approval from the teacher. The video and the subtitle file will be handed over to the teacher during the exam, unless otherwise communicated by the teacher. During the exam, which is held in oral form, the student will discuss the subtitling and defend the translation choices made (as regards both the lexical choices and the segmentation/spotting methods), referring to the instructions received, the specific technical constraints of subtitling, the lexical research and the strategies applied during the course. The exam may be held remotely, by means of an audio-video conference using Microsoft Team software, should the health situation require it.

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Fruizione: 20710301 LINGUA E TRADUZIONE PORTOGHESE E BRASILIANA 1 LM in Lingue moderne per la comunicazione internazionale LM-38 DE ROSA GIAN LUIGI


The course proposes to deal with the audiovisual translation of audiovisual texts of a functional nature from a sociolinguistic perspective, both in the practice of on-the-spot subtitling carried out by the students through the use of Subtitle Edit software, and from the analysis of audiovisual products present (and not) in the Italian audiovisual scenario. At the end of the course, students will have acquired the tools to subtitle Portuguese and Brazilian audiovisual products (technical-translational skills) and to reflect critically on European Portuguese (PE) and Brazilian Portuguese (PB), through translation practice. Furthermore, they will have refined their linguistic-communicative skills in the two varieties (PE and PB). These knowledge and skills will be acquired through regular participation in classes and other supplementary teaching activities.

Core Documentation

Gian Luigi De Rosa, Mondi Doppiati. Tradurre l’audiovisivo dal portoghese tra variazione linguistica e problematiche traduttive, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.
Gian Luigi De Rosa , Traduzione audiovisiva e adeguatezza sociolinguistica, in Monica Lupetti e Valeria Tocco (a cura di), Traduzione e autotraduzione: un percorso attraverso i generi letterari, ETS, Pisa, 2013, pp. 279-294.
Gian Luigi De Rosa, Sottotitolare «Arena» e «Cine Holiúdy» ovvero la traduzione audiovisiva dalla prospettiva sociolinguistica, in Rivista di Studi Portoghesi e Brasiliani, XV – 2013, Fabrizio Serra Editore, Pisa-Roma, 2014, pp. 57-67.

Reference Bibliography

Pavesi Maria, La traduzione filmica. Aspetti del parlato doppiato dall’inglese all’italiano, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2005. Perego Elisa, La traduzione audiovisiva, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2005. Rossi, Fabio, Il linguaggio cinematografico, Aracne editrice, 2006 (http://www.aracneeditrice.it/pdf/9788854807990.pdf)

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures will alternate with workshop-based lessons, including in-class subtitling exercises and project work. There will be homework, which students will have to bring to class for collective correction.

Type of evaluation

At the end of the course, the student will have to present a project work: each student will choose a short fictional video (about 5-10 minutes long), of which there is no Italian version, and, using the software used during the course, will produce an Italian subtitle. The video, although chosen by the student, must receive prior approval from the teacher. The video and the subtitle file will be handed over to the teacher during the exam, unless otherwise communicated by the teacher. During the exam, which is held in oral form, the student will discuss the subtitling and defend the translation choices made (as regards both the lexical choices and the segmentation/spotting methods), referring to the instructions received, the specific technical constraints of subtitling, the lexical research and the strategies applied during the course. The exam may be held remotely, by means of an audio-video conference using Microsoft Team software, should the health situation require it.