20710472 - Teatro español: dramaturgia y representación

Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.

Teatro español: dramaturgia y representación/ Spanish theatre: dramaturgy and performance is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It aims at consolidating written and spoken skills and autonomous critical analysis of theatrical works belonging to different periods and framed within their linguistic, literary, and dramaturgical dimensions. Special emphasis will be given to the relation between the theatrical text and its staging realisation (also using audio-visual materials) and to the translation processes to which a theatrical text is submitted (e.g. literary translation and subtitling). The unit also aims at deepening practical and theoretical competences on literature teaching methodologies, with a special focus on the use of the theatrical text in teaching practices.
At the end of the module, students will be able to: analyse, translate and realise stage or screen adaptations of a text; evaluate the interrelations between literary language and languages belonging to other artistic forms; translate theatrical texts; communicate in oral and written form about the module contents (advanced level); apply theoretical and methodological tools to the context of literature teaching.

Requirements: Students must have already taken La literatura española en el espejo del tiempo/ Spanish literature in the mirror of time.
teacher profile | teaching materials


"De risas y lágrimas: The Two Faces of Golden Dramaturgy"
This course focuses on the study of the tragic and comic codes in a selected corpus of Spanish theatrical texts of the Golden Age. Students will be provided with the methodological tools for dramaturgical analysis, focusing in particular on the study of the relationship between the dramatic text and its realisation in some contemporary productions. A second part of the course will deal with practical and theoretical reflections on the didactics of literature, with special regard to the use of theatre in a didactic perspective.
The course provides an initial analytical approach to Golden Theatre texts, which will be opened up to the perspective of textual criticism in the course "En el taller del editor de textos" in the second semester.

Core Documentation

• Lope de Vega, La moza de cántaro (digital edition: https://artelope.uv.es/biblioteca/textosAL/AL0754_LaMozaDeCantaro.php; or the edition edited by J. M. Díez Borque, La moza de cántaro, Colección Austral);
• Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, La verdad sospechosa (edition by F. Antonucci in: Il teatro dei Secoli d’oro, coord. M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, 2014, vol. II; pdf provided by the teacher)
• Lope de Vega, El castigo sin venganza (digital edition: https://artelope.uv.es/biblioteca/textosAL/AL0551_ElCastigoSinVenganza.php)
• Calderón de la Barca, El pintor de su deshonra (edition by E. Marcello in Il teatro dei Secoli d’oro, coord. M. G. Profeti, Milano, Bompiani, 2014, vol. II; pdf provided by the teacher)

Reference Bibliography

CRITICISM AND METHODOLOGY • F. Antonucci, Calderón de la Barca, Roma, Salerno editrice (chapters I, II, III.1, IV); • J. L. García Barrientos, Cómo se comenta una obra de teatro, Madrid, Síntesis; • all critical support materials that will be indicated and/or provided by the lecturer during the course.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be conducted according to different types of assisted teaching, consisting of lectures accompanied by other activities, such as: presentations and/or group work in the classroom, written and/or oral exercises that can be evaluated for the final exam. In the event that the Covid-19 emergency should be prolonged, all the indications provided by the University will be taken into account.


Active and constant attendance is strongly recommended for an adequate preparation for the exam and for the achievement of the ongoing assessments necessary for the attainment of the required knowledge and critical literary skills. A student who actively attends at least 70% of the lessons and carries out all the partial exercises assigned during the course is considered an attending student. Non-attending students are invited to contact the lecturer at least two months before the exam they intend to sit for: during the interview, all indications and/or support materials for individual study will be provided; in ddition, the written exercises to be delivered to the lecturer no less than 15 days before the chosen examination call will also be indicated. Those who have not followed this procedure will not be allowed to sit the final examination.

Type of evaluation

For attending students, an on-going assessment will be carried out by means of individual and/or group exercises assigned in the classroom and which will have a weight equivalent to 70% of the final assessment; the remaining 30% of the skills acquired will be assessed by means of an oral exam. For non-attending students, the final assessment will be based on the result of the oral test and the assessment of the written exercises assigned, which must be handed in to the lecturer no less than 15 days before the call, as stated in the section 'Attendance procedures'. In the case of an extension of the Covid-19 emergency, all the provisions governing the way in which students are assessed will be implemented.