Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.

Русская Литература (XVIII-XXI Вв.): Жанры И / Russian literature (XVIII-XXI centuries): Genres and forms of modern and contemporary Russian literature is one of the characterising modules of the programme. It provides students with specialised skills for an understanding of the different literary genres, consolidating a methodological approach to the analysis of literary texts. Special attention will be given to intertextual relations within a common cultural tradition, considering also deviations from the canon and phenomena of hybridisation. At the same time, the module will sharpen students’ ability to apply philological and critical tools to the analysis of texts belonging to different periods, also with a view to planning teaching units.
At the end of the module students will be able to: identify literary genres and the attendant features; analyse literary texts from a threefold intertextual, philological and didactic perspective.

Requirements: Students must have already taken Русская и советская культура (парадигмы и быт)/ Russian and soviet culture (Paradigms and everyday life).
teacher profile | teaching materials


Modern and contemporary Russian poetry (XIX-XXI centuries)

Core Documentation

Students will analyse and translate poetical texts of different authors

Reference Bibliography

S. Garzonio, La metrica russa, in Storia della civiltà letteraria russa, diretta da R. Picchio e M. Colucci, vol. II, Torino, UTET, 1997 pp.617-634 Stefano Garzonio, Italian and Russian Verse: Two Cultures and Two Mentalities, «Studi Slavistici» II (2006): 187-198 B.O. Ubengaun, The Russian Versification (selected chapters) La traduzione del testo poetico, a cura di F. Buffoni, Milano, Marcos y Marcos, 2004 (selected chapters) B. Mortara Garavelli, Manuale di retorica, Milano, Bompiani, 2014.

Type of delivery of the course

The 36-hour course is structured as a laboratory of analysis and translation of the Russian poetic text. The students will be involved in a series of both written (on the Moodle platform) and oral activities, that will contribute to the definition of the final grade. 18 hours of frontal teaching activity and 9 seminar meetings with poets are planned, as well as a final workshop in which students will present short reports on previously agreed topics.


Incoming students info Erasmus students, or any exchange students, can take their examination in Russian. Arrangements are to be made before the exam. Additional info Attendance and participation are highly encouraged. Non-attending students should contact us immediately at the beginning of academic year to discuss what they should be doing. The course is taught mainly in Italian.

Type of evaluation

oral test aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities provided by the course. The final evaluation will also be carried out by the students: - participation in specific tests in progress; - participation in practical activities during the course; - the successful passing of a written test.