The European language 1 MA course comes under the core educational activities of the MA course in Modern Languages for International Communication and, specifically, among the founding and cross-curricular activities aimed at deepening knowledge and competences in both the linguistic, cultural and textual heritage of the languages studied. The course aims at providing further deepening of specific knowledge and area specific analytical and methodological competences, while strengthening those already acquired during the previous three-year Bachelor’s degree course. On the basis of the competence levels required for access and in view of the C1 level achievement in all competences foreseen at the end of the second year, the course is aimed at the consolidation and strengthening of the entry levels and at deepening the linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic competences in the language object of study in international communication contexts.
Specifically, the following will be further deepened:
a) ability to interact in the foreign language also within specialist contexts;
b) ability to analyse written, spoken and multimedia genres and text typologies within general and specialised language use;
c) knowledge and comprehension of the theoretical and applied aspects of mediation and translation processes;
c.1) analysis, translation and production of short texts belonging to different textual genres and produced in a number of specialised sectors (workshop);
d) application of acquired knowledge to different textual typologies;
e) (spoken and written) mediation competences within multilingual and multicultural interaction contexts;
f) knowledge and use of information technology tools for corpora analysis (written, spoken and multimedia texts);
g) capacity of planning brief research studies on the language/s studied;
g.1) analysis of research studies and use of information technology tools (e.g. Corpora software) in the language studied (workshop).
Expected learning results: students will have linguistic, sociolinguistic, metalinguistic and pragmatic competence in the language object of study in international communication contexts; they will be able to interact in the foreign language also in specialist contexts; to analyse written, spoken and multimedia genres and textual typologies; to understand mediation and translation processes; they will have competences of mediation in multilingual and multicultural interaction contexts, of planning short research studies on the language studied; they will know (and be able to use) the information and technology tools for corpora analysis.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course provides the linguistic tools to interrogate the text from the perspective of discourse analysis. In the first part, the theories of discourse analysis and enunciation will be addressed. The second part of the course will be devoted to the study of the presence of the French language in the former colonies. In the third part, certain discursive structures such as polyphony, intertextuality, point of view and autonomy within the novels of Assia Djebar, Kamel Daoud and Faiza Guène will be examined.
The course is annual. Access to the final, oral exam takes place after a linguistic, oral and written test, the preparation of which is ensured by Dr Agathe Rabat.

Core Documentation

Parte A : analyse du discours et théories de l’énonciation linguistique

*Benveniste E., « De la subjectivité dans la langage », in Problèmes de linguistique générale I, Gallimard, 1966, pp. 258-266.
*Benveniste E., « L'appareil formel de l'énonciation » in Langages , 5e année, n°17, 1970. pp. 12-18.
*Yaguello M., « La Grammaire », in Le Grand livre de la langue française, Seuil, 2003, p.153-258
*Wilmet M., Grammaire critique du français, Paris, Louvain-la-Neuve, Hachette, Duculot, 1997, pp. 532-673

Parte B : discours postcolonial et langue française

*Rey A. et Alii, « L’Outre-mer colonisé et la diffusion du français avant 1848 », in Alain Rey et Alii, Mille ans de langue française, Perrin, Paris, 2007, pp. 1029- 1030.
*Rey A. et Alii, « L’expansion impérialiste du français », in Alain Rey et Alii, Mille ans de langue française, Perrin, Paris, 2007, pp. 1086-1091.
*Rey A. et Alii, « Le français colonisateur et décolonisé, in Alain Rey et Alii, Mille ans de langue française, Perrin, Paris, 2007, pp. 1168-1175.

Parte C : analyse du discours littéraire

Au choix, deux des trois options suivantes :

Option 1 :
*Algeri V., L’Histoire de soi dans la langue de l’autre. La polyphonie linguistique dans l’œuvre de Assia Djebar, Aracne, coll. Recherches sur toiles, Roma, 2014, pp.1-140.
Assia Djebar, L'Amour, la fantasia (1985), Paris, Albin Michel, 1995

Option 2 :
*Algeri V., “Le vertige intertextuel. Une lecture de Kamel Daoud, Meursault, contre-enquête”, Revue italienne d’études françaises [En ligne], 9 | 2019, URL : http://journals.openedition.org/rief/4512
Kamel Daoud, Meursault, contre-enquête, Arles, Actes Sud, 2014
Albert Camus, L’Etranger, une édition au choix.

Option 3:
*Authier-Revuz, J., « Le Fait autonymique : Langage, langue, discours. Quelques repères » in Parler des mots : Le fait autonymique en discours, Paris, Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2004.

Guène F., Un Homme ça ne pleure pas, 2014.

Examination material marked with * is available from the 4Appunti copy centre, Via G. Chiabrera, 174 00145 Rome. This material is also available in attached files in the Supports des cours section. You are required to study on the printed handouts.

Reference Bibliography

Handout reference texts will be provided to students during the course and may be chosen for the preparation of Part C of the examination.

Type of delivery of the course

In the first part, the theories of discourse analysis and enunciation will be addressed. The second part of the course will be devoted to the study of one type of discursive formation in particular. The devices of polyphony and intertextuality within postcolonial discourse in some novels will be examinated.


Attendance at the course is strongly recommended. Attendance of the French language lecture course is strongly recommended as well. In the event of impossibility due to working students or for other reasons, it will be necessary to contact the Professor.

Type of evaluation

The final examination consists of an oral interview, in French, on the content of the texts proposed in the programme.