20710471 - Poésies et poétiques

Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation obtain advanced knowledge and understanding in all the subject areas of their training in order to
1) consolidate and develop their competence in European and American Studies, with particular attention to their literature of specialisation;
2) deepen their knowledge of the two foreign languages chosen, achieving a heightened competence in the language of specialization and an advancement in the second language;
3) reach enhanced awareness of the linguistic features of their language of specialisation, both from a diachronic and a synchronic perspective;
4) reach an adequate knowledge of the most advanced methodologies for the analysis of literary texts;
5) handle confidently the theoretical-practical tools for teaching and for translation.

Poésies et poétiques/ Poetries and poetics is one of the characterising modules of the programme. The aim of the unit is to improve communicative skills, enhance specific competences in critical thinking and analysis of poetry history and poetics, and apply them to literary phenomena in French language in a transcultural perspective. The unit allows students to strengthen theoretical and methodological skills in order to handle confidently and autonomously the textual, theoretical, and philological kernels embedded in poetry as a genre-form, and deepen their knowledge on the theories and processes of transcultural translation and intermediality.
At the end of the module, students will be able to: communicate in oral and written form about the module contents; autonomously analyse texts and literary phenomena; apply tools and literary and philological theories to literary phenomena in a transcultural perspective.

Requirements: Students must have already taken Classicismes et modernités/ Classicisms and modernities.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Francis Ponge.

Core Documentation

1. Poetry.
- Francis Ponge, La Rage de l’expression, Paris, Gallimard.
- Francis Ponge, Pièces, Paris, Gallimard.
- Francis Ponge, La Fabrique du pré, Paris, Gallimard.

2. Critical essays.
- Francis Ponge, Méthodes, Paris, Gallimard.
- Bernard Beugnot, Poétique de Francis Ponge, Paris, PUF, 1990.
- Bernard Veck, Francis Ponge ou le refus de l'absolu littéraire, Liège, Mardaga, 1993.

Type of delivery of the course


Type of evaluation

Oral exam.