Graduates in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation acquire knowledge and understanding skills in all areas of their training in order to
1) to reach a high level of literary and cultural competence within the European and American civilizations, with particular attention to those of specialization;
2) to deepen the knowledge of the two chosen foreign languages, with the achievement of a high level of competence in the first language and an improvement of the level in the second language;
3) to reach a high level of knowledge of the linguistic problems of the language chosen as the biennial, knowing how to evaluate its development and characteristics in a diachronic and synchronic key;
4) to achieve adequate knowledge of the most up-to-date methods of literary text analysis;
5) to acquire the theoretical-practical tools useful for teaching and translation.

The teaching of Slavic Philology I Magistral is one of the training activities characterizing the CdS. The course provides basic knowledge of the grammar of the early Slavic language and, on this basis, introduces to philological methods of analysis and criticism of early Slavic texts. Through the work on some basic texts for the literary civilization of the Orthodox Slavic language, students should become acquainted with philological research techniques and develop skills of independent reflection on the structure of the text, its historical-cultural contextualization and intertextuality.

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The course consists of: a) Old Church Slavonic grammar - the first literary language of the Slavs - and the reading of texts in Old Slavonic; b) an introduction to the history of the development and peculiarities of the written culture of Rus', the history of the formation of the Russian language through Church Slavonic and Old Russian.
Old Church Slavonic: history and main concepts
Old Church Slavonic: grammar, texts
Church Slavonic of a Russian redaction and Old Russian. Texts.

Core Documentation

Nicoletta Marcialis. Introduzione alla lingua paleoslava. FUP 2005
Lilia Skomorochova Venturini, Corso di lingua paleoslava. Grammatica. Edizioni ETS 2005
Horace G. Lunt, Old Church Slavonic Grammar. Seventh Revised Edition. Berlin - New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2001.
Horace G. Lunt, On the Relationship of Old Church Slavonic to the Written Language of Early Rus'. Russian Linguistics , 1987, Vol. 11, No. 2/3 (1987), pp. 133-162
Kasatkin L., Krysin L., Zhivov V. Il russo. Firenze, 1999
Ulteriori materiali e nozioni bibliografiche vengono fornite a lezione.

Reference Bibliography

Nicoletta Marcialis. Introduzione alla lingua paleoslava. FUP 2005 Lilia Skomorochova Venturini, Corso di lingua paleoslava. Grammatica. Edizioni ETS 2005 Horace G. Lunt, Old Church Slavonic Grammar. Seventh Revised Edition. Berlin - New York: Mouton de Gruyter, 2001. Horace G. Lunt, On the Relationship of Old Church Slavonic to the Written Language of Early Rus'. Russian Linguistics , 1987, Vol. 11, No. 2/3 (1987), pp. 133-162 Kasatkin L., Krysin L., Zhivov V. Il russo. Firenze, 1999 Ulteriori materiali e nozioni bibliografiche vengono fornite a lezione.

Type of delivery of the course

lezioni frontali

Type of evaluation

Oral exam on course topics