The course “ Educational Linguistics B LM” (Module Italian L2) falls within the characterizing educational activities of the Master's Course in Languages and Literatures for Teaching and Translation and specifically among the related activities aimed at deepening skills in language teaching.
The course provides:
Deepening of the knowledge related to the teaching of Italian L2 and of the current trends in language learning, with particular reference to language education in a plurilingual perspective and to intercomprehension.
Knowledge of the main results obtained by research in the field of assessment, testing and certification of language skills.
Knowledge and skills in the field of design and development of language teaching activities.
Critical analysis of the potential and use of technological and digital tools for language teaching and learning.
Expected learning outcomes: students will know the main theoretical hypotheses related to language learning and the different approaches and methods inspired by them over time; they will know the main aspects of the teaching of Italian as L2 and the processes of evaluation and certification of skills; they will understand the processes related to the development of receptive skills and the intercomprehension of Romance languages; they will be able to propose teaching activities and critically evaluate teaching materials and digital teaching technologies.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims at deepening the knowledge related to the teaching of L2 Italian, with a special focus on language assessment.

In the second language learning and use, assessment is a crucial process as it allows to account for the skills and competencies developed by the learner. In this course, through activities of analysis of teaching materials and case studies, we will explore the main aspects of this process, comparing Italian L2 and other foreign languages.

Core Documentation

Novello, A. (2014). La valutazione delle lingue straniere e seconde nella scuola. Dalla teoria alla pratica. SAIL, Ca’ Foscari: Venezia.

Course packets provided by the instructor.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be completely delivered in Italian. Furthermore, the lectures will be in person and will require the active participation of students.


Attendance is not mandatory. All students may use the many instructional materials that will be available online. However, only those who attend will be admitted to the in-class activities and the ongoing evaluation.

Type of evaluation

The final exam will be oral. For those attending, there will be forms of ongoing evaluation and the possibility to submit a project. The questions concern all the program topics, both deepened during the frontal lessons and left to the student’s individual study and personal reflection.