Acquire the conceptualskills in structuring problems according to the object-oriented programming paradigm. Acquire the ability to design algorithmic solutions based on the object-oriented paradigm. Acquire the basic concepts related to programming techniques based on the object-oriented paradigm. Introduce the fundamental notions of parallel and concurrent programming.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410422 IN430 - TECNICHE INFORMATICHE AVANZATE in Scienze Computazionali LM-40 LOMBARDI FLAVIO


Principles of Object Oriented Design
Abstraction, Polimorphism, Inheritance, Aggregation
Object Oriented Programming Models and UML
UML Use Case, Sequence, Class e Object, Deployment diagrams
Software Analysis and Developmenmt for Java Virtual Machine: I/O, Stream, Networking, Exception Handling
(Scientific, Real-time,...) Efficient Distributed Computing, Multithreading and Concurrency in Cloud e Mobile

Core Documentation

Manuale di Java 9 De Sio Cesari Claudio Hoepli Informatica

Type of delivery of the course

Lecture attendance is strongly suggested. There will also be seminars, simulations, lab sessions and exercise solving sessions.

Type of evaluation

Evaluation is based on a written exam plus the implementation of a software development project chosen among those proposed by the course professor