To acquire a basic knowledge of the theory of conservative mechanical systems and of the elements of analytical mechanics, in particular of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian mechanics.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410339 FM210 - MECCANICA ANALITICA in Matematica L-35 GENTILE GUIDO, CORSI LIVIA


Conservative mechanical systems. Qualitative analysis of motion and Lyapunov stability. Planar systems and one-dimensional mechanical systems. Central motions and the two-body problem. Change of frames of reference. Fictitious forces. Constraints. Rigid bodies. Lagrangian mechanics: variational principles, cyclic variables, Routh method, constants of motion and symmetries. Hamiltonian mechanics: Liouville's theorem and Poincaré's recurrence theorem, canonical transformations, generating functions, Hamilton-Jacobi method and action-angle variables.

Core Documentation

G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 1. Equazioni differenziali ordinarie, analisi qualitativa e alcune applicazioni, Springer, Milano, 2021.
G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 2. Meccanica lagrangiana e hamiltoniana, Springer, Milano, 2022.

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, integrative teaching and assisted study (tutoring).


Attendance is not compulsory but is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written test, possibly replaced by two tests of exoneration in progress, and/or in a subsequent oral interview, in which the student will have to discuss the topics treated in class, with reference to the texts used and the notes distributed in class.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410339 FM210 - MECCANICA ANALITICA in Matematica L-35 GENTILE GUIDO, CORSI LIVIA


Conservative mechanical systems. Qualitative analysis of motion and Lyapunov stability. Planar systems and one-dimensional mechanical systems. Central motions and the two-body problem. Change of frames of reference. Fictitious forces. Constraints. Rigid bodies. Lagrangian mechanics: variational principles, cyclic variables, Routh method, constants of motion and symmetries. Hamiltonian mechanics: Liouville's theorem and Poincaré's recurrence theorem, canonical transformations, generating functions, Hamilton-Jacobi method and action-angle variables.

Core Documentation

G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 1. Equazioni differenziali ordinarie, analisi qualitativa e alcune applicazioni
G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici. 2. Meccanica lagrangiana e hamiltoniana

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures, integrative teaching and assisted study (tutoring).


Attendance is not compulsory but is strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam consists of a written test, possibly replaced by two tests of exoneration in progress, and/or in a subsequent oral interview, in which the student will have to discuss the topics treated in class, with reference to the texts used and the notes distributed in class.