To deepen the study of dynamical systems both with more advanced methods, in the context of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian theory and providing applications also in other fields
teacher profile | teaching materials


Linear dynamical systems. Forced harmonic oscillator with or without
friction. Stability theorems. Parametric resonance. Chain of
coupled harmonic oscillators: continuum limit and equations of
vibrating rope. Classic elastic diffusion. Hidden prime integrals
in the two-body problem and the harmonic oscillator problem

Core Documentation

V.I. Arnol’d, Metodi Matematici della Meccanica Classica, Editori
Riuniti, Roma, 1979 G. Gallavotti, Meccanica Elementare, ed. P.
Boringhieri, Torino, 1986 G. Gentile, Introduzione ai sistemi
dinamici, 1 (Equazioni differenziali ordinarie, analisi qualitativa e
alcune applicazioni) e
2 (Meccanica lagrangiana e hamiltoniana) L.D. Landau, E.M. Lifshitz,
Meccanica, Editori Riuniti, Roma, 1976

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures in the classroom

Type of evaluation

The exam consists in the solution of a sheet of exercises assigned to > lesson, to be returned resolved within the oral exam, and in an interview oral > on a selection of the topics covered, to be agreed with the > teacher