20410412 - MC310 - Fundaments of Complementary Mathematics

1. Conceptual basis of mathematics: first principles in arithmetic, geometry, probability; the idea of proof; mathematics, philosophy and scientific knowledge. 2. Discrete and continuous. Euclidean geometry, natural numbers, the real line. Conceptual, epistemological, linguistic and didactic nodes of teaching and learning mathematics. 3. Mathematics in culture: social and economic role of mathematics, mathematics in education, the international mathematical community. 4. Planning and developing methodologies for teaching mathematics, with the aim of building a curriculum in mathematics for high schools and technical and trade schools.


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1.Euclidean Geometry; rudiments of history of Greek Mathematics. Ruler and compass constructions. The classical problems. Euclid's Elements.
2. The V Postulate's problem: Posidonius attempt. Equivalent Postulates: Playfair, Wallis, transitivity of parallelism. Saccheri's work. Saccheri's Quadrilaterals. The three hyposes. Saccheri-Lagrange's Theorem and the exclusion of obtuse angle hypothesis. The birth of Non-Euclidean Geometry in Bolyai and Lobatchewaki.
3. Symmetries of the plane: Isometries of the plane and their type. Characterization of an isometry by the image of three points not on a line, Chasles' Theorem. Discrete groups of isometries. Rosettes, Friezes and Wallpaper groups. The Theorem of addiction of the angles. Leonardo's Theorem and the classification of finite groups of isometries. Sketch of the classification of the Frieze groups. Crystallographic restriction's Theorem and the classification of wallpaper groups.
4. Gauss' Geometry; The geometry on the Sphere. Locally euclidean geometries. Uniformly discontinuous groups of isometries. The Torus, Mobius band, Klein bottle. Classification of uniforly discontinuous groups of isometries. Sketch of the proof of the Theorem of classification of locally euclidean geometries
5. Moduli of geometries on the torus and hyperbolic geometry: Similar geometries. Similar geometries on the Torus. The modular figure. Poincaré upper plane model.Lines and distance. What was repugnant to Saccheri and that was not for Aristotle.

Core Documentation

R. Trudeau: "La rivoluzione non Euclidea" Bollati Boringhieri
V, Nikulin, I. Shafarevich "Geometries and groups" Springer ed.

Type of delivery of the course

Standing lectures and students' seminars

Type of evaluation

during COVID 19 emergency the exam will be done according to art.1 del Decreto Rettorale n°. 703 del 5 maggio 2020

teacher profile | teaching materials



1.Euclidean Geometry; rudiments of history of Greek Mathematics. Ruler and compass constructions. The classical problems. Euclid's Elements.
2. The V Postulate's problem: Posidonius attempt. Equivalent Postulates: Playfair, Wallis, transitivity of parallelism. Saccheri's work. Saccheri's Quadrilaterals. The three hyposes. Saccheri-Lagrange's Theorem and the exclusion of obtuse angle hypothesis. The birth of Non-Euclidean Geometry in Bolyai and Lobatchewaki.
3. Symmetries of the plane: Isometries of the plane and their type. Characterization of an isometry by the image of three points not on a line, Chasles' Theorem. Discrete groups of isometries. Rosettes, Friezes and Wallpaper groups. The Theorem of addiction of the angles. Leonardo's Theorem and the classification of finite groups of isometries. Sketch of the classification of the Frieze groups. Crystallographic restriction's Theorem and the classification of wallpaper groups.
4. Gauss' Geometry; The geometry on the Sphere. Locally euclidean geometries. Uniformly discontinuous groups of isometries. The Torus, Mobius band, Klein bottle. Classification of uniforly discontinuous groups of isometries. Sketch of the proof of the Theorem of classification of locally euclidean geometries
5. Moduli of geometries on the torus and hyperbolic geometry: Similar geometries. Similar geometries on the Torus. The modular figure. Poincaré upper plane model.Lines and distance. What was repugnant to Saccheri and that was not for Aristotle.

Core Documentation

R. Trudeau: "La rivoluzione non Euclidea" Bollati Boringhieri
V, Nikulin, I. Shafarevich "Geometries and groups" Springer ed.

Type of delivery of the course

Standing lectures and students' seminars

Type of evaluation

during COVID 19 emergency the exam will be done according to art.1 del Decreto Rettorale n°. 703 del 5 maggio 2020