Provide the fundamental notions about radiative corrections in QED or non-tree processes, about normalization and about the electroweak Standard Model. To acquire skills on the phenomenology of subnuclear physics at the energies of current collectors (LHC).


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Mutuazione: 20402218 FISICA TEORICA II in Fisica LM-17 N0 MELONI DAVIDE


Feynman diagrams. Tree-level processes. Discrete symmetry
Feynman diagrams and cross-sections. Bhabha and Compton scattering. Gauge invariance.
Chiral and Majorana representations for the matrices. Parity, charge conjugation and time-reversal.

Radiative Corrections
Divergent behavior of an integral. Primitively divergent diagrams. Pauli-Villars regularization.
Coupling, mass and wave-function renormalization in a scalar theory.
Ward identity. Dimensional regularization. Vacuum polarization and Lamb shift.
Running of the coupling constant. Bremsstrahlung, infrared divergencies and their cancellation between real and virtual contributions.

Non Abelian Gauge Theories
Yang-Mills Lagrangian. QCD. Non Abelian gauge invariance. Running of the strong coupling. Asymtotic freedom.
Weak Interactions.
Fermi and IVB theories. W propagator. mu decay. Standard Model Lagrangian. Weak angle.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism. Mass of the intermediate vector bosons.
CKM matrix

Core Documentation

F. Mandl, G. Shaw: Quantum Field Theory, ed. John Wiley & Sons;
M. Peskin, D. Shroeder: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, ed. Frontiers in

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and recitations at the blackboard. Explanation of the theory presented via discussion of examples. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the lessons will be held remotely through the Microsoft Teams application, and any material related to the lectures uploaded on the Moodle platform.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam. The student before taking the oral test has to take a take-home exam.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Feynman diagrams. Tree-level processes. Discrete symmetry
Feynman diagrams and cross-sections. Bhabha and Compton scattering. Gauge invariance.
Chiral and Majorana representations for the matrices. Parity, charge conjugation and time-reversal.

Radiative Corrections
Divergent behavior of an integral. Primitively divergent diagrams. Pauli-Villars regularization.
Coupling, mass and wave-function renormalization in a scalar theory.
Ward identity. Dimensional regularization. Vacuum polarization and Lamb shift.
Running of the coupling constant. Bremsstrahlung, infrared divergencies and their cancellation between real and virtual contributions.

Non Abelian Gauge Theories
Yang-Mills Lagrangian. QCD. Non Abelian gauge invariance. Running of the strong coupling. Asymtotic freedom.
Weak Interactions.
Fermi and IVB theories. W propagator. mu decay. Standard Model Lagrangian. Weak angle.
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and Higgs mechanism. Mass of the intermediate vector bosons.
CKM matrix

Core Documentation

F. Mandl, G. Shaw: Quantum Field Theory, ed. John Wiley & Sons;
M. Peskin, D. Shroeder: An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, ed. Frontiers in

Type of delivery of the course

Lectures and recitations at the blackboard. Explanation of the theory presented via discussion of examples. In the case of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions that regulate the methods of carrying out the teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented. In particular, the lessons will be held remotely through the Microsoft Teams application, and any material related to the lectures uploaded on the Moodle platform.

Type of evaluation

Oral exam. The student before taking the oral test has to take a take-home exam.