Introduction to methods (execution, validation) of biological research, understood as a systematic, controlled, empirical and critical study of natural phenomenology, which develops starting from the formulation of a hypothesis up to the construction of the explanation. Setting of basic competences related to the elaboration of experimental results and communication in written form. Student orientation by illustrating the scientific interests of the different research groups working in our department
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410003 Introduzione alla Biologia in Scienze biologiche L-13 NESSUNA CANALIZZAZIONE ANGELINI RICCARDO, VENTURINI GIORGIO, ZOCCHI ALESSANDRO


The program focuses on major themes of Biological Evolution of animal and plant organisms.
Light and Life: evolution of photosynthesis, Evolution of photomorphogenesis, Secondary metabolites of plants, The conquest of emerged lands, plant-insect co-evolution.

Core Documentation

There are no specific textbooks. Students can refer to the material shown in the classroom and made available.
Recommended readings:

Taiz L., Zeiger E. - Fisiologia Vegetale - Piccin Editore

Rascio N. : Elementi di Fisiologia vegetale - EdiSES


The teacher receives every day (Monday-Friday) by appointment via institutional email

Type of delivery of the course

Oral lessons

Type of evaluation

The exam will focus on the topics covered in the course by Prof. Angelini, Venturini and Zocchi. The test consists of 15 questions (five for each part) with multiple or open choice.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410003 Introduzione alla Biologia in Scienze biologiche L-13 NESSUNA CANALIZZAZIONE ANGELINI RICCARDO, VENTURINI GIORGIO, ZOCCHI ALESSANDRO


The program focuses on major themes of Biological Evolution of animal organisms
Chemical senses: receptors stimulation e and neuronal responses. Olfaction taste and their adaptive evolution.
The eye and vision evolution
Effects on nervous system of animal and plant venoms.

Core Documentation

There are no specific textbooks. Students can refer to the same cell biology texbooks suggested for the course of Cytology and Histology and to material shown in the classroom and made available

Type of delivery of the course

Classroom lessons

Type of evaluation

The exam will focus on the topics covered in the course

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 20410003 Introduzione alla Biologia in Scienze biologiche L-13 NESSUNA CANALIZZAZIONE ANGELINI RICCARDO, VENTURINI GIORGIO, ZOCCHI ALESSANDRO


Neurobiological and psychological aspects of learning. Main topics are: Introduction to Educational Neuroscience, Why “learning to learn”, How cognitive abilities change with age, What happens in the brain when we learn, Attention, How we think, Stress and learning, Best and worst study strategies, Illusion of knowing, Procrastination, Multitasking, Sleep and learning, Physical activity and learning, Neuromyths, How to become a genius, MOOCs.
Aim of this course is to provide students with conceptual tools and practical techniques to improve learning, productivity, and efficiency.

Core Documentation

Zocchi A. Imparare ad Imparare. Amazon book/ebook

Type of delivery of the course

In classroom and/or online.

Type of evaluation

Online multiple-choice test on the topics of the course.