The course of Topics in the Philosophy of Science is part of the program in Philosophical sciences (MA level) and is included among the complementary training activities.This course introduces some central questions in the philosophy of science and examines them critically. Through the study of classic and/or contemporary texts, students will acquire advanced knowledge of problems at the boundary between science and philosophy. They will also obtain the ability to systematically relate the philosophical and scientific tradition to the most recent developments in these areas.
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Fruizione: 20710177 TEMI DI FILOSOFIA DELLA SCIENZA in Scienze filosofiche LM-78 DORATO MAURO


In general, the course will focus on the history and philosophy of space and time, giving particular emphasis to the relationship between physical and experiential time. Within this relationship, the nature of the present moment is particularly important: while physics can safely ignore such a moment, in our experience it separates an immutable past from a future that is not conceived deterministically or fatalistically but is rather regarded as open to our free decisions. We will read excerpts of classics authors in the history of philosophy that have dealt in particular with these questions. We will introduce the student to the deep link existing between chance and irreversibility

Core Documentation

1. Redondi P., Brevi storie del tempo, Laterza, 2007 (seconda parte)
2. Space from Zeno to Einstein, Nick Huggett (ed.), The MIT PRESS, 2004
3 Mazur J. the motion paradox,
4. McTaggart J., L’irrealtà del tempo. BUR, 2008.(seconda parte)
5. Space from Zeno to Einstein, a cura di N. HUGGETT, The MIT PRESS, 2004

Type of delivery of the course

In presence if COVID 19 allows. Otherwise online

Type of evaluation

Together with frontal lectures, there will be reports from students and discussions during seminars