Provide a basic knowledge of quantum mechanics, discussing the main experimental evidence and the resulting theoretical interpretations that led to the crisis of classical physics, and illustrating its basic principles: notion of probability, wave-particle duality, indetermination principle. Quantum dynamics, the Schroedinger equation and its solution for some relevant physical systems are then described.
teacher profile teaching materials
J.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
The crisis of classical physics. Waves and particles. State vectors and operators. Measurements, observables and uncertainty relation. The position operator. Translations and momentum. Time evolution and the Schrödinger equation. One-dimensional problems. Parity. Harmonic oscillator. Symmetries and conservation laws. Time independent perturbation theory. Time dependent perturbation theory.Core Documentation
Lecture notes available on the course websiteJ.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of theoretical frontal lectures, held by the lecturer of the course, and exercises, carried out in part by the professor and partly by another lecturer. Both the lessons and the exercises are carried out in the classroom and on the blackboard (electronic or with chalk). In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be adopted.Attendance
Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.Type of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test, which involves the resolution of one or more exercises, and an oral test. The written test is optional. The exercises of exams of previous years are available on the course website. In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the student assessment will be adopted. teacher profile teaching materials
J.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Quantum mechanics: The crisis of classical physics. Waves and particles. State vectors and operators. Measurements, observables and uncertainty relation. The position operator. Translations and momentum. Time evolution and the Schrödinger equation. One-dimensional problems. Parity. Harmonic oscillator. Symmetries and conservation laws. Time independent perturbation theory. Time dependent perturbation theory. Rotations and angular momentum. Orbital angular momentum. Spin. Angular momentum composition. Identical particles. The hydrogen atom.Core Documentation
Lecture notes available on the course websiteJ.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of theoretical frontal lectures, held by the lecturer of the course, and exercises, carried out in part by the professor and partly by another lecturer. Both the lessons and the exercises are carried out in the classroom and on the blackboard (electronic or with chalk). In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be adopted.Type of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test, which involves the resolution of one or more exercises, and an oral test, which is accessed after passing the written test. The exercises of all exams and half-semester tests of previous years are available on the course website. In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the student assessment will be adopted. teacher profile teaching materials
J.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
The crisis of classical physics. Waves and particles. State vectors and operators. Measurements, observables and uncertainty relation. The position operator. Translations and momentum. Time evolution and the Schrödinger equation. One-dimensional problems. Parity. Harmonic oscillator. Symmetries and conservation laws. Time independent perturbation theory. Time dependent perturbation theory.Core Documentation
Lecture notes available on the course websiteJ.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of theoretical frontal lectures, held by the lecturer of the course, and exercises, carried out in part by the professor and partly by another lecturer. Both the lessons and the exercises are carried out in the classroom and on the blackboard (electronic or with chalk). In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be adopted.Attendance
Attendance is not mandatory but is strongly recommended.Type of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test, which involves the resolution of one or more exercises, and an oral test. The written test is optional. The exercises of exams of previous years are available on the course website. In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the student assessment will be adopted. teacher profile teaching materials
J.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Quantum mechanics: The crisis of classical physics. Waves and particles. State vectors and operators. Measurements, observables and uncertainty relation. The position operator. Translations and momentum. Time evolution and the Schrödinger equation. One-dimensional problems. Parity. Harmonic oscillator. Symmetries and conservation laws. Time independent perturbation theory. Time dependent perturbation theory. Rotations and angular momentum. Orbital angular momentum. Spin. Angular momentum composition. Identical particles. The hydrogen atom.Core Documentation
Lecture notes available on the course websiteJ.J. Sakurai, Jim Napolitano - Meccanica Quantistica Moderna - Zanichelli
An english version of the book is also available:
Sakurai J.J., Modern Quantum Mechanics - Addison-Wesley
Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of theoretical frontal lectures, held by the lecturer of the course, and exercises, carried out in part by the professor and partly by another lecturer. Both the lessons and the exercises are carried out in the classroom and on the blackboard (electronic or with chalk). In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the teaching activities will be adopted.Type of evaluation
The exam consists of a written test, which involves the resolution of one or more exercises, and an oral test, which is accessed after passing the written test. The exercises of all exams and half-semester tests of previous years are available on the course website. In case of extension of the sanitary emergency due to COVID-19 all regulations and instructions concerning the methods of carrying out the student assessment will be adopted.