22910166 - Computer skills

Know the differences between different types of computer tools, software, apps between desktop and mobile (PC, smartphone, tablet, cloud computing). Analyze hypertextuality and multimedia from web 1.0 to web 2.0 and know how to use the most popular productivity tools. Know and use software platforms for e-learning and online training. To deepen the evolution of technologies for social media, social networking and social reading.
teacher profile | teaching materials


- ICT basic concepts: Algorithms and computation theory, Information encoding, Hardware, Software, Networks, communication and information technologies.
- Computer use: Operating systems, File system, Tools and Printing.
- Spreadsheet: Using excel, Cells, Managing spreadsheets, Arithmetic formula and functions, Text and number formatting, Graphs.
- Text processing: Using word, Creating and formatting documents, Objects, Mail merge, Printing.
- Presentations: Using powerpoint, Creating a presentation, Text, Shapes, Objects, Animations and transitions.

Further informations on the website http://host.uniroma3.it/docenti/mezzini/teaching.html

Core Documentation

Informatica di Base. Mauro Mezzini, Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, 2016

further information on the web http://host.uniroma3.it/docenti/mezzini/teaching.html

Type of evaluation

Students not having the ECDL need sustain a written test, which last 45 minutes, which consists in a questionnaire containing 30 questions on all course topics Students having the ECDL need sustain only an oral exam. Further informations on the website http://host.uniroma3.it/docenti/mezzini/teaching.html