The aim of the discipline is to provide conceptual and methodological tools that allow students to orient themselves between the main theoretical paradigms that inform sociological studies of educational phenomena and education.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The educational system and the contribution of sociologists.
Identity paths.
The actors and the agencies in the formative processes: the family and the socialization: the generational meeting; the transmission of culture: school and teachers; informal socialization: the peer group and the mass media.
Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children

Core Documentation

Luisa Ribolzi, Società, persona e processi formativi. Manuale di sociologia dell'educazione, Mondadori, Milano, 2012.

The second can be chosen among following books:

Maurizio Ghisleni, Roberto Moscati, Che cos'è la socializzazione, Carocci editore.
A. Caneva, C. Caneva, C. Costa, F. Orlando, L'immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie Tv, Mimesis, Milano 2018

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons and seminars

Type of evaluation

The exam will take place through the traditional interview with the student in order to ascertain the skills acquired during the course