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Mutuazione: 22902520-2 LABORATORIO DI ETNOGRAFIA in Servizio sociale e Sociologia L-40 N0 POMPEO FRANCESCO


The course, held in the first half, suggests a survey of topical issues and cultural and social anthropology, with particular attention to the realities of globalization. After recalling some of the research hubs - the concept of culture, the overcoming of the "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of historical and social processes that contact from the colonial situation come to the current realities of migration, will be depth two thematic lines, the first devoted to issues related to migration and the second connected to the experience of the bodies, genres and relationship in the contemporary.

Core Documentation

1) Manual: Pompeo, F., 2016, Elementi di Antropologia critica, Terza edizione,Torino, Meti;
2) a curriculum chosen from:

a) Migrations

Pompeo, F., a cura, 2011, Pigneto-Banglatown. Migrazioni e conflitti di cittadinanza in una periferia storica romana, Roma, Meti;
Tarabusi F,, Politiche dell’accoglienza, pratiche della differenza. Servizi e migrazioni sotto la lente delle politiche pubbliche, in ARCHIVIO ANTROPOLOGICO MEDITERRANEO on line, anno XVII (2014), n. 16 (1);
Rivista Antropologia N° 15 (2013) - MIGRAZIONI E ASILO POLITICO

b) Body, Gender and Kinship

Fusaschi, M., 2013, Corpo non si nasce, si diventa. Antropo-logiche di genere nella globalizzazione, Roma, CISU.
Rivista ANUAC Vol 4, No 2 (2015),Forum Sahlins, Kinship, To Be and Not to Be ( solo questa parte)