22910156 - Cinema, photography and television

At the end of the course, students will be able to know the origins and development of the language of images: from photography to the web (from analog to digital), to identify the different sources and the nature of photographic, cinematographic and television images, to know the basic lexicon of the language of cinema, to discriminate the teaching of cinema from the didactic use of film, to know the fundamental stages of the evolution of the language of television: from the origins to TV series, to know theories and models concerning the use of images in education. In terms of skills: being able to analyse a still image and a film or television sequence, being able to analyse, on a stylistic-formal level, an audio-visual narration, being able to analyse, on a content level, an audio-visual narration, being able to make targeted choices of audio-visual narrations concerning the specific ages of the subjects to whom the educational-didactic action is addressed, being able to design and write an audio-visual narration that can be spent in the educational-didactic field.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The first part of the course intends to offer a historical and theoretical knowledge on cinema, from the beginning to contemporary forms of audiovisual production, through the most relevant stages of its technological and stylistic development. The second part of the course intends to deal with the current "post-media" era, with a particular attention to the evolution of television as a medium, and the web world: its potential and risks.

The main topics of this course will be, in particular:
A brief cinema history, from the beginning to post-modern cinema, in order to frame historically some key-forms of the cinematographic storytelling; the transition from analogical to digital culture, and the main consequences on technological, cultural and social levels; the evolution of television and the post-network television; contemporary television series; the web world: "on demand" culture and algorithmic culture.

Core Documentation

S. Bernardi, L’avventura del cinematografo. Storia di un'arte e di un linguaggio, Venezia, Marsilio, 2007.

R. Eugeni, La condizione postmediale, Brescia, La Scuola, 2015.

Type of delivery of the course

The didactic programme will be composed of frontal classes and film and video screenings, followed by debates.

Type of evaluation

Written test