22901948-2 - SOCIOLOGIA (L39/L40)

Purpose of education is to provide the cognitive basis in order to reflect on the constituent parts and the dynamics that characterize the company, both from a historical perspective is in the context of contemporary reality.
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Lessons will be devoted to a main goal: offering an introduction to sociology. Problems and concepts shared by classics and main contemporary theories of sociology are going to be presented.
The first step is showing characteristics of 'social objects" in order to justify the existence of a particular scientific discipline.
The second step is explaining and discussing problems and results of the sociological analysis of the contemporary society.

Core Documentation

Weber M., Economia e società (Parte prima: Teoria delle categorie sociologiche: I – Concetti sociologici fondamentali; II – Categorie sociologiche fondamentali dell’agire economico; III – I tipi di potere; IV – Ceti e classi). In una qualsiasi edizione.
Diotallevi L., L’ordine imperfetto. Modernità, Stato, secolarizzazione, Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 2014.
Diotallevi L., Fine corsa. La crisi del cristianesimo come religione confessionale, Dehoniane, Bologna 2017.
Each of the above mentioned texts can be replaced by an other book or two ther papers. They ought to be directly negotiated with prof. Diotallevi.

Reference Bibliography

Further readings will be indicated from the bibliographical references of the two lasts books.

Type of evaluation
