The aim of the course is to analyze the main current classical and contemporary sociological adopting an analytical perspective of the educational process focused on the social aspect of education, beyond the issues related to education..
teacher profile | teaching materials


The classical and contemporary theories; Education as social resources; School, social resources, educational processes, and communities; Civil education quality and public space; Socialization, belonging and identity; Crisis of public space and exclusion of childhood and adolescents; spatial mobility and development cognitive sense of belonging; Education and marginality; Sociological Theory and young; Marginality, youth and education; Second generation of migrants; social research and educational planning in marginal contexts.

Core Documentation

Besozzi, E., Educazione e Società, Carocci, Roma, 2016; pp.17-73; 79-83; 91-103;127-153; 275-406
Giardiello, M., L’adolescenza come generazione nell’epoca dell’individualizzazione: appartenenza e nuove identità, Scienze e Ricerche, 8, 2015, (scaricabile dalla bacheca docenti in documenti);
Leccardi C., Rampazi M., Gambardella M.G, Sentirsi a casa. I giovani e la riconquista degli spazi-tempi della casa e della metropoli, UTET, 2011, pp. 87-208;
Giardiello, M., Sociologia della marginalità. Il contributo di Gino Germani, Carocci, Roma 2012;
Orioles, M., La seconda generazione di migranti. Verso Quale integrazione? Carocci, Roma, 2014.