22902488 - Sociology of organizations

Training objectives of the course

The teaching of sociology of organizations will make the students acquire the basic concepts and theoretical framework of organizational sociology and examine the interconnections with other disciplines that have as their object of study, work and organizations, through the analysis of organizational theories and empirical study of new organizational models operating in innovative companies and public administrations.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22910158 Sociologia delle organizzazioni in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 COCOZZA ANTONIO, PROIETTI EMANUELA, CAPOGNA STEFANIA


The course aims to achieve, in particular, the following learning objectives:
1. Provide knowledge of historical, theoretical and methodological models for the transition from Taylor-Fordist type of organizational and bureaucratic approach “cognitive”, and the analysis of the interconnections of a cultural and management relating to the affirmation of the company network and the Total Quality Management.
2. Develope skills and expertise in the analysis of the processes of evolution of organizational models, on the development of organizational learning, in view of intertwining of individual and collective dynamics in the functioning of organizations and the necessary integration between the strategic variables: people, processes, technologies and facilities.
3. Promoting critical analysis of the evolution of organizational models in public administration, on the transformation of the bureaucratic model and the success of the telocratic model of new public management, based on analysis of business case studies and testimonials.

Core Documentation

COCOZZA A., Organizzazioni. Culture, modelli, governance, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2013.
COCOZZA A., Il sistema scuola. Autonomia, sviluppo e responsabilità nel lifewide learning, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2012.

Type of evaluation

Workshops will be held during the course, which will contribute to the final evaluation. During the final exam the texts will be examined in depth as the further contents proposed during the course.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22910158 Sociologia delle organizzazioni in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 COCOZZA ANTONIO, PROIETTI EMANUELA, CAPOGNA STEFANIA


The theoretical and operational model of organizational learning in Argyris and Schön
The complexity and environmental instability factors and the need of change in organizations (introduction to the change management)
The incentives and resistances to change within an organization
Organizational learning and competences development: the Boyatzis model
Organizational learning as a key to oversee change and innovation: the March model
Explicit knowledge, tacit knowledge and knowledge management (introduction to knowledge management ): from Polanyi to Nonaka
Reflexive skills as a key to a balanced development of competences in organizations
Presentation of a case study of organizational learning tools and methods:
b) Planning and implementation of the project of organizational learning in a highly innovative enterprise

Core Documentation

Argyris, C. & Schön, D.A. (1998). Teoria e metodo dell’apprendimento organizzativo. Milano: Guerini e Associati.

Type of delivery of the course

The topics will be introduced by the teacher and discussed by participants through team works and individual study, on the online platform formonline, too.

Type of evaluation

Students' learning will be assessed on the basis of knowledge acquired thanks to individual study and the in-depth analysis of the text proposed, and of competences acquired thanks to the team work on the case study.

teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22910158 Sociologia delle organizzazioni in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 COCOZZA ANTONIO, PROIETTI EMANUELA, CAPOGNA STEFANIA


Given the complexity of contemporary organizational contexts, where we can observe structures characterized by high complexity in terms of relation, emotion and communication, the workshop "Tools for empowerment in organizations" aims to illustrate to students methods and instrumentations more functional to govern this complexity, in an empowerment logic of subjects and organizations.
In line with the course of Sociology of the organization submitting the theoretical framework of organizational sociology and new business models that tend to recognize more and more the person as a strategic development, particular attention will focus on tools for personal growth such as counseling and coaching today widely used in management education and also considered important tools for enhancing and coordinating groups.
The laboratory has a theoretical-practical set with which to give students more than the necessary theoretical framework also an experiential dimension through which develop a personal growth process that leads them to develop emotional self-evaluation and reflective skills. Essential Skills to live and work in a complex society.

Who cannot attend lessons can be arranged with the teacher exercises to be performed using the e-learning environment that will support all interactions with the teacher and the class group.

Educational goals

The workshop aims to achieve, in particular, the following learning objectives.
1. Provide useful theoretical and methodological assumptions to understand various tools of empowerment of the subject and the specificity that characterizes them for organizational purposes, with a focus on counseling and coaching.
2. Develop emotional skills, self-evaluation and reflective skills, through the experiential dimension, that will allow them to experience some of the tools of personal growth that will be presented.
3. Promote critical reflection on the organizational use of such instruments.

Core Documentation

study material provided by the teacher
Ashkanasy N., Humphrey R., Current Emotion Research i Organizational Behavior, in Emotion Review, Vol. 3, n. 2, Aproò 2011).
Ken Blanchard , John P. Carlos , Alan Randolph, Le tre chiavi dell'empowerment. Come liberare il potenziale dei collaboratori offrendo dei risultati entusiasmanti, Franco Angeli