The objectives are as follows: to acquire and develop knowledge related to the theoretical framework of adult education; to acquire knowledge and basic skills related to intergenerational educational and relational processes; to develop basic skills related to qualitative methodologies in research and design of training interventions; to promote skills related to study literature of past and present in adult education.

By the study of Adult Education the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding: theoretical framework of adult education;
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Applying knowledge and understanding to solve problems in the fields and contexts of adult education;
- Making judgements: critical reflexing and ability to gather and interpret relevant data to formulate independent judgments about issues concerning adult and intergenerational education;
- Communication skills: to be able to communicate information, reflexions, problems and solutions.
teacher profile | teaching materials


- Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and applications to educational settings for children, with particular attention to intergenerational education.
- Knowledge of the theoretical foundations and historical roots of adult education
- knowledge of the process related to becoming adults
- in-depth knowledge of research fields and intervention in Adult Education
- to understand the needs of the territory
- being able to promote an educational relationship with an adult or a child
- Adult Education in the perspective of lifelong learning
- knowledge of international indicators and national and international educational policies for the adults
- the autobiography and in adult education e lifelong learning.

Core Documentation

1. G. ALEANDRI, Educazione permanente nella prospettiva del lifelong e lifewide learning, Armando editore, 2011, pp. 192

2. G. ALEANDRI, I sistemi formativi nella prospettiva dell'economia globale. Per una pedagogia del lifelong learning, Armando editore, 2003, pp. 208

3. G. ALEANDRI, Scritture adulte. L’autobiografia come ricerca e costruzione del sé, Armando editore, 2012, pp. 1-62

Type of delivery of the course

Lessons will be face/to face requiring active participation of students, personally o in group

Type of evaluation

Student is asked to perform comprehension of best theories and practices