22910126 - General sociology

The course aims to acquire the fundamentals of sociological knowledge with particular reference to the scientific character of sociology. Starting from an examination of the historical development of the discipline through the learning of the thought of the main authors, we propose an approach to the major theories, categories and sociological currents.
With the study of General Sociology, the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- knowledge of the theoretical principles of sociology;
- ability to express oneself in the language and terms of the discipline;
- understanding of the interconnections that structure the relationship between man and society in the various macro systemic contexts: social, economic, cultural.
In terms of knowledge and comprehension skills applied:
- ability to apply the knowledge acquired in research projects on the topics covered by the course;
- ability to apply sociological theories by elaborating research hypotheses and selecting the most suitable research techniques.
In terms of autonomy of judgement:
- ability to critically read manuals and specialist texts concerning the discipline;
- ability to identify the appropriate methods of study and research in relation to the different contexts of application;
- ability to read critically the results of studies, research and projects.
In terms of communication skills:
- acquisition of terminology specific to the discipline;
- ability to express clearly, even to a non-specialist audience, environmental issues in the global socio-economic context.
In terms of learning capacity:
- understanding of the importance of field observation and direct experience of the processes being studied.


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The course is dedicated to the problems, concepts, methods and main sociological theories.
During the course, some of the key concepts of sociology will be studied: social relations; social action, socialization, solidarity, interaction, social inequality, stratification and social classes and exclusion, culture etc.
The course aims a critical analysis of the most relevant aspects of social processes ongoing in contemporary. Know the main trends of sociological theory and learn the basics of methodologies for social research.

Core Documentation

Testi obbligatori
Parte generale:
1. Ambrogio Santambrogio, Introduzione alla sociologia, Editore Laterza.
2. Paolo Montesperelli, Metodologia della ricerca sociale (materiale scaricabile dalla piattaforma Formonline)
3. Claudio Tognonato, La sociologia alla ricerca della qualità (materiale scaricabile dalla piattaforma Formonline)

4. Claudio Tognonato, Teoria sociale dell’agire inerte. L’individuo nella morsa delle costruzioni sociali, Liguori Editore, Napoli 2018.

Type of delivery of the course

Frontal lessons

Type of evaluation

Written test

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Sociology unites theory and empirical research, and today, more than ever, it is useful for being able to analyze and respond to the questions of change and social coexistence: democracy, globalization, ecology, gender and sexuality, migrations, symbolic representations, great themes that carry within them the transformations of social relations, of the family, of stratification, of education, of religion, of the arts, of the use of mass media. The course therefore intends to address the forms and changes of living in society, according to different theories and methods of investigation, with the aim of making female students and students increasingly autonomous, critical and aware. Able to set up conceptually oriented empirical research.

Particular attention will be paid to issues closer to the professional course of the EduForm and Sde Online Degree Course and special attention for childhood.
Seminars will be organized during the course.
The exam will be oral.

Students are required to present on the day of the exam (not by e-mail) a speech related to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (eg how to study the presence of immigrants in a neighborhood of their own city / country) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are deemed more suitable. For further clarification, students are invited to attend classes or contact the teacher to define a meeting during student reception.

Core Documentation

esti di esame consigliati per 6 crediti:

1) Main Text to choose between: J. Smelser, Manuale di Sociologia, Il Mulino, F. Ferrarotti, Manuale di Sociologia, Laterza, R. Cipriani, Nuovo Manuale di sociologia, Maggioli ed.

2) One text to choose between:
E. Goffman, La vita quotidiana come rappresentazione o I rituali dell’interazione, L. Berger, T. Luckmann, La realtà come costruzione sociale, M. Weber,Lo spirito protestante e le origini del capitalismo o La scienza come professione. La politica come professione, , E. Durkheim, Il Suicidio, P. H. Marcuse, L’uomo ad una dimensione, W. Adorno, La personalità autoritaria Bourdieu, Il dominio maschile, Feltrinelli, C.W. Mills, L'immaginazione sociologica, Il Saggiatore, Hannah Arendt, Vita activa o Le origini del totalitarismo, qualsiasi edizione, Franco Ferrarotti, La sociologia alla riscoperta della qualità/oppure/ La sociologia, Agnes Heller, per una teoria dei sentimenti.

3) Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, dal Medioevo alla contemporaneità, Cleup, Padova

4) One text to choose between:: M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Per una sociologia delle arti. Storia e storie di vita, Cleup, 2012 M. Gammaitoni, a cura, Le arti e la politica. Le risposte della sociologia, Cleup, 2015 Milena Gammaitoni, Le Compositrici, Storia e storie di vita, SEdM, in corso di stampa, M. Gammaitoni, L'Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio, storie e storie di vita, in corso di stampa i libri dell'editore Cleup si possono ordinare direttamente a redazione@cleup.it oppure on line su ibs libri,

For 9 credits one text to choose between::

Mary Wollstonecraft, I diritti delle donne, A. De Toqueville, La democrazia in America, Erich Fromm, Fuga dalla libertà, Franco Ferrarotti, La tentazione dell’oblio oppure Vite di Baraccati, Z. Bauman, Amore liquido, A. Giddens, Sull’intimità, R. Sennet, Insieme, Simone Weil, La prima radice, E. Morin, Insegnare a vivere. Manifesto per cambiare l'educazione, F. Berardi, Futurabilità, I. Illich, La convivialità, L. Irigaray, Condividere il mondo, V. Zolberg, Sociologia dell’arte, R. Cipriani, La religione diffusa, M. Ambrosini, Migrazioni, Egea, M. Orioles, La seconda generazione dei migranti, M. D’Amato, Telefantasie, per una sociologia dell’immaginario , Agnes Heller, Paradosso Europa, Annalisa Tota, Sociologia dell’arte, M. D’Amato a cura, Immaginario e satanismo, G. Turnaturi, Immaginazione sociologica e immaginazione letteraria, Laura Verdi, Il corpo al centro, 2016, K. Carnà, S. Rossetti, Kotha. Donne bangladesi nella Roma che cambia, Ediesse, 2018, F. Antonelli, a cura, Genere, sessualità e teorie sociologiche, Cedam, 2018, A. Romeo, Per una sociologia del corpo, Mondadori, 2018, Ignazia Bartholini, Violenza di prossimità. La vittima, il carnefice, lo spettatore e il «grande occhio».

Reference Bibliography

Dizionario di Sociologia, Luciano Gallino

Type of delivery of the course

Will be organized seminars and conferences, also for credits stages

Type of evaluation

Students are required to present on the day of the exam (not by e-mail) a speech related to a research project conceived and freely chosen from one of the topics covered by the course (eg how to study the presence of immigrants in a neighborhood of their own city / country) using sociological theories, elaborating personal research hypotheses, choosing research techniques that are deemed more suitable. For further clarification, students are invited to attend classes or contact the teacher to define a meeting during student reception. The exam will be online