The aim of the course is to provide students with the conceptual bases and models established in the scientific literature that allow them to orient themselves in the analysis of the structure of modern education systems and to understand their different social functions.

At the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to:
- identify the main characteristics of an education system
- understand the relationship between its structure and the social functions that are brought back to the system itself
- discuss its impact on implications such as inequality and social mobility
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to describe the social functions that higher education plays in the knowledge society, how university systems respond to these functions and how their educational performance is assessed. The monographic part will deepen the organizational and functional elements that appear relevant with respect to the results that the Italian university system achieves in terms of output, with particular attention to the phenomenon of dropout and to the working fate of graduates.

Core Documentation

- Burgalassi M., La performance della formazione universitaria. Il caso degli studi socioeducativi, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2019

Reference Bibliography

- Regini M., Malata e denigrata. L’università italiana a confronto con l’Europa, Donzelli, 2009 - Graziosi A. L’università per tutti. Riforme e crisi del sistema universitario italiano, Il Mulino, 2010

Type of evaluation

The exam is done in written and oral form. For the written test, which consists of 2 questions, the student has 30 minutes of time. The evaluation of the test will be carried out taking into account the appropriateness and completeness of the answers provided. In the days following the written test the teacher publishes the results on the bulletin board, indicating the students who have passed it and are therefore called for the oral exam. The oral exam, which consists of the discussion of the written test and the formulation of further questions, takes place on one of the following days. In the oral test the topics in the texts are explored. To facilitate the preparation of the exam, a list of possible questions is made available on the teacher's electronic bulletin board.