The teaching of Sociology of Education aims to provide students with the fundamental concepts related to traditional and new socio-identity training paradigms, the prevailing theoretical framework and the interconnections with the other social dimensions and the new informal socializing agents: the group of peers and the new communicative-digital realities. The latter constitute a sort of "intermediate sphere", along the axis of the adaptive process to the environment, intervening with their non-formal action, to give organization and coherence to the patterns of objectification of experience.

Knowledge and understanding
- provide historical, theoretical and methodological knowledge related to the transition from educational models based on the control paradigm, positivist-functionalist, to the current interaction
Applying knowledge and understanding
- develop skills and competences in the analysis of educational models regarding the socio-individual identity configuration, the development of learning and the various forms of transmission: institutional (through specific agencies, from the family to the school); inter-generational (from adults to young people) that especially today is not only vertical, from one generation to the next, but can also be horizontal, from a juvenile lever to the other.
Making judgements
- develop the critical thinking to analyse the evolution and transformation of educational models, especially regarding the passage from the traditional unidirectional, cumulative, normative, teleological model to the current more symmetrical, informative, negotiable and prone to a "form of polycentrism", to a "shared construction" of knowing, thinking and practicing education as a social relationship.
Communication skills
- know how to communicate the acquired knowledge, in terms of ideas, problems, themes and possible solutions, related to the appropriate educational strategies to the contemporary socio-cultural context and to promote the ability to manage the multiplicity of communicative and experiential challenges.
Learning skills
- to develop the learning skills that are necessary for them to undertake further studies, related to many of the sociological, pedagogical and psychological disciplines that deal with the themes of identity building, training processes and educational-communicative relationships, with a high degree of autonomy.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The educational system and the contribution of sociologists.
Identity paths.
The actors and the agencies in the formative processes: the family and the socialization: the generational meeting; the transmission of culture: school and teachers; informal socialization: the peer group and the mass media.
Part of the program is dedicated to early childhood and to applications to educational settings for children

Core Documentation

Luisa Ribolzi, Società, persona e processi formativi. Manuale di sociologia dell'educazione, Mondadori, Milano, 2012.

The second can be chosen among following books:
A. Caneva, C. Caneva, C. Costa, F. Orlando, L'immaginario contemporaneo. La grande pro-vocazione delle serie Tv, Mimesis, Milano 2018
E. Tripaldi, L'etica della cura nel counseling analitico transazionale, Aracne, Roma 2010
C. Caneva, M. Sinsin, S. Thuruthiyil, Filosofie in dialogo. Lexikon universale: India Africa Europa, Prefazione di Cecilia Costa, Mimesis Milano 2017.
Delli Poggi, S. (2019), Nuove lezioni di sociologia elementare. Manuale per Assistenti sociali, Educatori, Insegnanti e Professionisti del sociale
Autori Associati - Roma, ISBN: 9781702440257
Disponibile su Amazon

Reference Bibliography

Berger P. L., Luckmann T., La realtà come costruzione sociale, Il Mulino, Bologna, 1969. Benadusi L., Censi A., Fabrietti V., Educazione e socializzazione, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2004. Boudon R., Metodologia della ricerca sociologica, Il Mulino, Bologna 1996. Ceri P., Sociologia. I soggetti, le strutture, i contesti, Laterza, Roma-Bari, 2007. Erdas F. E., Scuola e identità, Armando, Roma, 2004. Franchi M., Schianchi A., Scegliere nel tempo di Facebook, Carocci Editore, Roma, 2011. Gardener, Davis K., Generazione app. La testa dei giovani e il nuovo mondo digitale, Feltrinelli, Milano 2014. Gardener Garelli F., Palmonari A., Sciolla L., La socializzazione flessibile, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2006. Ghisleni M., Moscati R., Che cos'è la socializzazione, Carocci editore. Granieri, Blog generation, Laterza, Bari 2009. Granieri Maccarini A. M., Lezioni di sociologia dell’educazione, Cedam, Padova, 2003. Merico M., Giovani e società,Roma, Carocci, 2004. Montuschi F., Palmonari A., Nuovi adolescenti: dalla conoscenza all’incontro, Bologna, EDB, 2006.

Type of delivery of the course

The teaching method will be traditional, frontal as the main teaching method. If the emergency state, COVID 19, is maintained, it will be by remote with the use of the University platform. There will be in-depth seminars held by Prof. Claudia Caneva 1. The anthropological foundations of education 2. Educational dialogue in different cultural contexts (India, Africa, Europe) 3. Education and artificial intelligence


The attendance isn't required

Type of evaluation

The exam will take place through the traditional interview with the student in order to ascertain the skills acquired during the course