Objectives of the course are a) to provide the informative and conceptual bases that allow to frame social policies in their modern historical evolution and to decode the meaning and orientations of the interventions that can be carried out in the field of social protection and b) provide an essential framework of the main regulations governing the social services sector.

At the end of the course the student:
- knows the aims of modern social policies and their historical evolution and is able to place today's guidelines for social protection within the framework of welfare regime types;
- is able to appropriately place the sectoral interventions of social protection in the scenario of contemporary social policies;
- has a conceptual and terminological heritage suitable for discussing the main themes of the social policy in an appropriate manner;
- has learned the legal bases governing the local systems of social services and knows the main laws concerning the social services sector.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The course is divided into two parts, one dedicated to social policy and one dedicated to social services legislation.
The part of social policy analyzes the concepts that govern the construction and organization of social protection systems, of which the historical excursus and models are described. The ways in which social change and the transformation of needs affect the structure of social policies and the framework of the actors of the social protection system are then addressed. The social protection sector policies (social security, welfare, assistance and social services) are also described.
The part of the legislation on social services introduces the main provisions of national legislation on social services by presenting the framework rules and the main sector norms. The in-depth study of the legislation on the structure, instruments and performance of the territorial social service is examined in more detail by referring to the reality of the Lazio Region.

Core Documentation

- Ferrera M., Le politiche sociali, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2019
- Franzoni F., Anconelli M., La rete dei servizi alla persona. Dalla normativa alla organizzazione, Roma, Carocci, 2014
- conoscenza di base dei seguenti riferimenti di legislazione generale con rilievo nazionale: art. 38 Cost., art. 117 Cost., artt. 128-133 d. lgs 112/98, Legge 328/2000, L. Cost. 3/2001
- basic knowledge of the following references of general legislation with national relevance: art. 38 of the Constitution, art. 117 of the Constitution, artt. 128-133 d. lgs 112/98, Law 328/2000, L. Cost. 3/2001
- basic knowledge of the following national sector regulations: Law 833/1978, Law 180/1978, Law 184/1983, Law 104/1992, Law 68/1999, Law 285/1997, Law 147/2017
- detailed knowledge of Regional Law 11/2016 and in particular of Chapters I, III, IV, V and VI.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

The course is held with lectures. During the lectures slides are used. This material is made available to students on the e-learning platform of the Department (formonline.uniroma3.it).


Class attendance is optional even if strongly recommended.

Type of evaluation

The exam is done in written and oral form. The written test consists of social policy questions and of social services legislation. The evaluation of the test will be carried out taking into account the appropriateness and completeness of the answers provided. In the days following the written test the teacher publishes the results on the bulletin board, indicating the students who have passed it and are therefore called for the oral exam. The oral exam consists of the discussion of the written test and the formulation of further questions and takes place on one of the following days. To facilitate the preparation of the exam, a list of possible questions is made available on the teacher's electronic bulletin board. ATTENTION: given the particular situation connected to the coronavirus emergency, the examination methods may be different from the ordinary ones explained above. For updated information in this regard, it is advisable to periodically check the teaching notice board on the FormOnLine platform or to contact the teacher.