22902437 - french

The aim of the course is to provide the student with an acceptable level of knowledge related to the pronunciation, grammar and basic vocabulary as well as the basic syntactic structures of the French language.

At the end of the course the student has acquired the ability to orientate himself in the understanding of texts written in French concerning the subjects of the degree course, the subject of European citizen training and / or intercultural exchange in the French-speaking area.
teacher profile | teaching materials

Fruizione: 22910129 Lingua francese in Scienze dell'educazione per Educatori e Formatori L-19 GEAT MARINA


The course includes the study of the fundamental structures of the French language (pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, syntax) applied to specific exercises and to the reading, re-elaboration, deepening, written and oral, of Charles Perrault's fairy tales. For the students of the degree course in sociology, particular attention will be paid to the learning of vocabulary inherent to the historical and sociological analysis of the themes inherent to the world of Perrault and to the confrontation with contemporary problems in the French and French-speaking world.

Core Documentation

Grammar part: French grammar book and exercises: Grammatica francese, Lingua in pratica, con esercizi di autoverifica, CD audio per l’ascolto e esercizi online (seconda edizione), Zanichelli, 2015 (ISBN 978-88-08-13657-2), https://www.ibs.it/grammatica-francese-con-esercizi-di-libro-vari/e/9788808136572?lgw_code=1122-B9788808136572&gclid=Cj0KCQiAm4TyBRDgARIsAOU75soNDXXBKisq86ZQY4jsXtkNu_6qDs1lfK1EYXiMkmRklvJhNRWq2MAaAkAZEALw_wcB

Text of reading and deepening: Charles Perrault, online downloadable text.
At the link https://fr.wikisource.org/wiki/Contes_de_Perrault_(%C3%A9d._1902) there is the classic text reproduced online, which you can use instead of the book.
The site http://ticsenfle.blogspot.com/2015/07/charles-perrault-et-ses-contes-lire.html will also be used, where students will be able to find, in addition to comments and insights, both a version of the fairy tales rewritten in a more modern French and abbreviated versions for children. There is also an audio reading of the fairy tales, very useful to practice listening and pronunciation. During the course all these materials will be used and compared.


Type of delivery of the course

The course will be carried out in a joint traditional and distance way. In addition to the lessons in the classroom there will be activities and deepening, guided by the teacher, carried out on the online platform Formonline. Procedures for access and passwords, for both students and non-attendants, will be communicated at the beginning of the course and / or requesting them from the teacher by e-mail marina.geat@uniroma3.it ATTENTION: In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following procedures will apply: The courses would take place remotely on the Formonline website and through Teams platform.


Frequency is optional, but must be carried out regularly and seriously, including with regard to online activities on the Formonline platform. Group and cooperation activities are foreseen, which are valid for the final evaluation. Non-attendants will find useful material on the Formonline platform, which will be accessed in a manner to be requested from the Teacher marina.geat@uniroma3.it The preparation of a French-language essay (4-5-pages) on a subject to be agreed with the Teacher before the exam marina.geat@uniroma3.it. will be required.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be written and oral. The student will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topics in the program (sufficient knowledges of the written and oral French language, knowledge of the main grammatical subjects, ability to understand and reflect in the language on the scheduled text). It will be appreciated the deepening of a topic of your choice through a thesis (4-5 pages). Students attending the course will also be evaluated through the activities carried out during the course, with particular reference to group work. Students who have to achieve 9 cfu /ecst will bring additional work to be agreed with the teacher. ATTENTION: In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following procedures will apply: The exams will be taken orally via TEAMS platform; a written paper will be sent to the teacher before the exam, in a manner that will be communicated later.