22910091 - Cultural and social Anthropology

The teaching proposes a recognition of the themes of cultural and social anthropology: from the overcoming of the“race” and of every form of exclusion and discrimination; to the concept of culture through the relativism/ethnocentrism debate; in the complexity of ethnic identity, with the analysis of the historic process of diversity to the sociocultural realities of globalization, as migration, gender and body, together with new parental and family realities.
- Knowledge and understanding:
will become familiar with the basic concepts of social cultural anthropology, knowing the different interpretative theories of socio-cultural phenomena related to diversity.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
it will be able to orient itself critically between the different representations of cultural plurality, reconstructing its historical-anthropological paths and analyzing its contradictions.
- Communication skills:
on diversity it will be able to distinguish the plan of rhetoric from that of empirical research

teacher profile | teaching materials


The 6 credits course offers a survey of central themes and problems of cultural and social anthropology. After retracing some research points - the concept of culture, the overcoming of "race", relativism / ethnocentrism, ethnic identity, the analysis of the historical-social processes of contact that from the colonial situation reach the current realities of globalization, Some lines of research will then be explored: the first linked to technological transformation and the notion of crisis together with other proposals in a selection of themes from scientific journals.

Core Documentation

1. F. Pompeo, 2018, Elementi di antropologia critica, Meti, Torino
2. A Appadurai, N. Alexander, 2020, Fallimento, Raffaello Cortina, Milano
3. Selected articles proposed

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course

The teaching takes place mainly in the traditional way, in addition to seminar meetings and some online materials.In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.

Type of evaluation

The general mode is the oral examination: students will bring the expected program and will be assessed through an interview on the texts (one / two questions for each text for a maximum duration of 20 minutes). The written, or multiple choice questionnaire is optional and can be requested or proposed in relation to large numbers. In the event of an extension of the health emergency from COVID-19, all the provisions governing the methods of carrying out teaching activities and student evaluation will be implemented.