22910144 - General education

Students must show organic knowledge, coherently organized, in the field of fundamental theoretical frameworks of the discipline (the main pedagogical theories and approaches with particular reference to the contemporaneity). Students must show knowledge of the international debate on general education regarding in particular the analysis of complex society and post-modernity and the new questions posed to education by European policies.
Knowledge and understanding
Problematizations understanding of the key issues (the theme of education in contrast to the growth of inequality, the relationship between authority and freedom, the central position of the student, denotative characteristics of the “growth-oriented person” process, opposing theoretical approaches in the interpretation of adults training (such as personalism, the hermeneutics, etc..), the role of society – in its several systems and interaction processes – with the spheres of teaching, in reference to the scenarios and the interpretive perspectives of the late modernity (capability approach and human development).
Applying knowledge and understanding
Students must show ability to apply their knowledge and understanding with reference to a professional approach, emphasizing problem solving skills, knowing how to communicate issues, ideas and operating approaches, even dealing with specific study areas (family, micro-and macro-systems, etc.). Students will apply their knowledge to the reading of texts, the description and interpretation of social and multicultural contexts, the analysis of projects and initiatives that promote the development of individual and social learning processes even within communities, the school and the world of work.
Making judgements
Students should be able to argue autonomously about key issues of general education with reference to interpretive perspectives of the contemporary society.
Communication skills
Students will be able to develop various forms of (oral and written) Communication in group teaching situations.
Learning skills
Students will also be able to develop learning skills (information gathering and reliable web and bibliographic sources search), in view of further discussion and elaboration of an independent research.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The course aims to initiate students to the study of themes and problems of general Pedagogy, with particular attention to the pedagogical and educational reflection that emerged during the twentieth century.
Some significant constructs of the pedagogical discourse will be examined in depth, in comparison with the Socratic lesson: communication and dialogic relationship, education and paideia, ethics and moral action.
Part of the program will be focused on the educational value of musical language.

Core Documentation

Platone, Apologia di Socrate, Laterza, Roma-Bari 2005 (edizione consigliata);
A. Broccoli, Dialogare, Scholé, Brescia 2021;
M.F. D'Amante, Perché tutto è musica. Un progetto di educazione musicale integrata per bambini in età prescolare, Anicia, Roma 2021.


Type of delivery of the course

The course (9 CFU, 6 + 3 of Laboratory) includes 36 hours of conventional didactics and 18 hours of LABORATORY work, carried out in the form of presence frontal lessons and students' participation (in presence and on Form on line platform), and in a distance way on Microsoft Teams platform. In the case of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19 all the provisions that regulate the way in which teaching activities and student evaluation are carried out will be implemented. In particular, the following arrangements will apply: - use of the Form on Line platform for audio files related to the lessons and any activation of an interactive Forum in which the participation of students is required; - use of the Microsoft Teams platform for interviews, receptions and live lectures.

Type of evaluation

Examination consists of an interview on the subjects of the course, aimed at ensuring the possession of specific knowledge of some themes of general Pedagogy. The exam grade, expressed in thirty-eight, takes into account: the ability to easily navigate among the topics addressed in the lesson, starting with the texts proposed; the ability to re-elaborate the acquired knowledge critically; the ownership of proper expressive property and specialized terminology. In the event of an extension of the health emergency by COVID-19, any in itinere evaluation tests will also be carried out.

teacher profile | teaching materials


Studying the Plato's thought, and reading some excerpts, the students will deal with the main educational questions, which from ancient age to nowadays stimulate educators and educational scholars. The platonic dialogues dealt with the several problems discussed in the Greek culture in these period and constitute the basis of the philosophical and scientific discourse, from Aristotle to Nowadays.
The students will be introduced in the main educational questions and antinomies, forms and structures of educating, institutional and widespread, intentional and non-intentional. These forms and structure will be analysed to explain their genealogy, their evolution and the contemporary phenomenology.
Through these pathways and by means of the concepts analysed the students will examine the main forms of professional educational work, from a general and critical point of view: the articulation of activity (design, execution, evaluation), the relational and institutional forms, their characteristics in terms of system, policy, law and regulations, the main devices and techniques.

Core Documentation

Plato, all works.
Nietzsche, Genealogia della morale

one book chosen between:
Foucault M., Del governo dei viventi. Corso al Collège de France (1979-1980), Milano, Feltrinelli, 2014.
Foucault M., Sorvegliare e punire. Nascita della prigione, Milano, Feltrinelli, 2005.
Foucault M., Il potere psichiatrico, Milano, Feltrinelli
Foucault M., Gli anormali. Corso al Collège de France (1974-1975), Milano, Feltrinelli, 2000.
Goffman E., Asylums, Torino, Einaudi, 2010.
Canguilhem G., Il normale e il patologico, Torino, Einaudi, 1998.

one book chosen between:
Sacks O., Risvegli, Milano, Adelphi, 1995.
Sacks O., Molly Sweeney. Vedere e non vedere, Milano, Adelphi, 2006.
Sacks O., L' uomo che scambiò sua moglie per un cappello, Milano, Adelphi, 2001.
Sacks O., Vedere voci. Un viaggio nel mondo dei sordi, Milano, Adelphi, 1990.
Sacks O., Un antropologo su Marte, Milano, Adelphi, 1998.

one book chosen between:
Rogers, C. R.; Stevens, B. (1987) Da persona a persona. Il problema di essere umani, Roma, Astrolabio-Ubaldini
Ducci E., Approdi dell'umano. Il dialogare minore, Roma, Anicia, 2002.
Ducci E., L'uomo umano, Roma, Anicia, 2008.
Ducci E., Essere e comunicare, Roma, Anicia, 2003.
Buber M., Il principio dialogico, Roma, edizioni Paoline

Type of delivery of the course

There will be lectures and online workshop learning groups. Some organisational change will be introduced to deal with the Covid-19 emergency: in this case, the lectures will be held online too.

Type of evaluation

Group workshops and participate discussions will be evaluated. The examination has two parts: a test and a short oral examination. Examination forms and times can be changed bexause of the Covid-19 emergency.