Increase the knowledge of significant examples of French children's literature in the French and Francophone areas. Urge reflection on educational and civic values in connection with some historical-cultural specificities of the French-speaking areas. Analyze the texts on the basis of the narrative characteristics useful in education, with particular reference to the problems inherent to childhood and adolescence, to the difficulties inherent in growth, family life, issues of social difficulty and migration.

By the study of French literature for children the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
Knowledge and understanding
- Knowledge of some exemplary texts of French literature for children
- Knowledge of language and text analysis tools for the educational effectiveness of narrative texts.

Applying knowledge and understanding
- Ability to place texts with respect to historical social and cultural situations of creation
- Ability to select and use texts with respect to educational intervention settings

Making judgements
- To be able to select and evaluate texts on the basis of educational potential
- To be able to propose ways of presenting and reading texts on the basis of educational objectives

Communication skills
- Enhancing the understanding and the textual revision of French texts for children
- Become familiar with some recurring French lexical elements in the French literature for children

Learning skills
- Ability to select and expand independently your own "library" of French children's literature
- Ability to cross context data and textual features to deal with complex situations intervention in education.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Teaching programme
The programme includes 8 authors and/or texts, representing three main categories of French literature designed or used for children:

1) The great classics
Charles Perrault, from the Tales of Mother Goose (Little Red Riding Hood, Thumbelin, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Bluebeard, Cat in Boots).

Jean de La Fontaine, from the Fables (The cicada and the ant, the wolf and the fox, the wolf and the stork, the wolf and the painter, the cock and the fox, the sick lion and the fox).

The Arabian Nights, abridged edition (Arabic text disseminated in France and Europe by the translation of Antoine Galland).

2) the visionary literature of the 19th century, between exploration and new technologies
Jules Verne, 20,000 leagues under the sea, children's version.

3) children's literature in the face of the great problems of the contemporary world: the world war, the Shoah and emigration.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince

Tomi Ungerer, Otto. Autobiography of a teddy bear

Azouz Begag, The island of Siloo or La Force du Berger (or Daniel Pennac, L'occhio del lupo)

Marie-Aude Muriail, Simple.

Core Documentation

Charles Perrault, qualsiasi edizione
testi pdf disponibili

Jean de La Fontaine, qualsiasi edizione
testi pdf disponibili

Le Mille e Una notte, edizione consigliata Universale Economica Feltrinelli,

Jules Verne, 20.000 leghe sotto i mari, Dami editore. Disponibile anche in formato ebook sul sito www.unilibro.it

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Il Piccolo Principe, qualsiasi edizione
testo pdf disponibile

Tomi Ungerer, Otto. Autobiografia di un orsacchiotto, Mondadori Oscar Junior

Azouz Begag, L’isola di Siloo, AIEP Editore, acquistabile in cartaceo o ebook al link http://www.aiepeditore.com/prodotto/lisola-di-siloo-azouz-begag/
oppure La Force du Berger, disponibile tramite la spiegazione durante il corso. Oppure Daniel Pennac, L'occhio del lupo, Salani Editore

Testi di approfondimento:
Ulteriori testi di approfondimenti verranno proposti durante il corso. Una bibliografia apposita verrà fornita tramite formonline e aggiunta successivamente ache sulla piattaforma Gomp. Gli studenti saranno invitati a leggere o ascoltare almeno uno di questi testi di approfondimento.

Reference Bibliography

Charles Perrault, any edition, available pdf texts https://www.liberliber.it/mediateca/libri/p/perrault/i_racconti_delle_fate/pdf/perrault_i_racconti_delle_fate.pdf Jean de La Fontaine, any edition available pdf texts http://www.letturegiovani.it/E-book/La%20Fontaine%20-%20Favole.pdf http://dinamico2.unibg.it/lazzari/2002em/progetti/tuttigiuperterra/Pdf/favole%20_fontaine.pdf Jules Verne, 20.000 leghe sotto i mari, any edition or Dami publisher. Also available in ebook format on the site www.unilibro.it https://www.unilibro.it/ebook/jules-verne/20-000-leghe-sotto-mari-e-book-epub/29747465 Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, Il Piccolo Principe, any edition available pdf texts http://www.yourskypeschool.com/book_yss/Antoine_Marie_Roger_de_Saint-Exupery-Il_Piccolo_Principe-ITA.pdf Tomi Ungerer, Otto. Autobiografia di un orsacchiotto, Mondadori Oscar Junior Azouz Begag, L’isola di Siloo, AIEP Editore, available on paper or ebook http://www.aiepeditore.com/prodotto/lisola-di-siloo-azouz-begag/ or La Force du Berger, available through explanation during the course. Or Daniel Pennac, L'occhio del lupo, Salani Editore Further study texts: Additional in-depth texts will be offered during the course. A special bibliography will be provided via formonline and also added later on the Gomp platform. Students will be asked to read or listen to at least one of these background texts.

Type of delivery of the course

The students will read and analyse the texts in the programme, observing their characteristics and aims at the time when the text was written and reflecting on its potential for transformation in order to adapt to different historical periods, audiences and educational purposes. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the conduct of teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented


The frequency is recommended and will give the possibility to carry out guided group in-depth studies. Non-attendants will deepen the topics independently; a final essay will be appreciated.

Type of evaluation

The exam will be oral. The student will have to demonstrate a good knowledge of the topics in the program. Attention: Due to the extension of the health emergency from COVID-19 the course 2020/21 will take place remotely on Formonline website and through Teams platform. All recorded lessons are available on Microsoft Stream through the link in Formonline. Therefore all the recorded lessons, with the relative in-depth analysis in video and texts in Formonline, are integrated part of the program. In the event of an extension of the COVID-19 health emergency, all provisions governing the conduct of teaching activities and student assessment will be implemented