"The teaching aims to learn epistemological assumptions and some operational techniques of social research, introducing the foundations of scientific and sociological knowledge and analyzing the methodological alternatives of qualitative and quantitative empirical investigation".
teacher profile | teaching materials


The teaching is aimed at providing students an introduction of the methodologies, theoretical approaches, tools and practices of applied social research. It also intends to present in an organic way the elements of application of research techniques to the "social services".
At the end of the course the students will have acquired the awareness and the ability to reflect on: a) which research question can be set on a given social phenomenon, b) which methodological tools are useful for the production of scientific knowledge, c) the importance of the culture and professional responsibility of the researcher and of the social researcher.

Core Documentation

David Silverman, 2022, Doing Qualitative Research, Sage, London.

Reference Bibliography

It will be indicated during the lessons.

Type of delivery of the course

Teaching will be frontal but students will be required to actively participate in the preparation of shared learning tools through the use of the educational platform formonline.uniroma3.it and in classroom lessons, building a autonomous social research project. The lessons will be integrated in the form of frontal lessons, laboratory space, presentation of social research etc.


More information will be provided during the lessons and on the didactic platform

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in written form and in an oral exam