The course aims to develop students’ understanding of key concepts and basic principles of experimental educational research design and methodology, considering its ethical implications and reflecting on its philosophical underpinnings and quality. Students will be introduced to the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field, to the construction of structured tests, to the use of educational technologies and to the main national and international surveys on ECEC.

- Knowledge and understanding: be able to know and understand the basic concepts of experimental research in the field of education; be able to know the theoretical and methodological foundations of evaluation in education.
- Applying knowledge and understanding: be able to analyse the main experimental research designs in the pedagogical field; be able to read and interpret the results of experimental research in the educational field.
- Making judgements: be able to distinguish between different approaches to experimental research in the field of education; be able to identify strengths and weaknesses of different methods that can be used in experimental research in the field of education.
- Communication skills: be able to explain the results of research to specialists and non-specialists.
- Learning skills: be able to demonstrate the skills necessary to undertake experimental research studies in education with a high degree of autonomy.
teacher profile | teaching materials


With particular reference to the 0/6 age group, the course will focus on developmental assessment and more specifically on the following key topics:

1) development lines, theoretical framework and methods of empirical research in education;

2) Design of empirical research in education: problem, hypothesis, experiment, experiment, observation, conclusion.

Core Documentation

1. Manuale.
G. Domenici, P. Lucisano, V. Biasi, Ricerca sperimentale e processi valutativi in educazione, McGraw-Hill, 2021, capitoli: 1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10l. Totale pagine: 280.
P. Lucisano, A. Salerni, "Metodologia della ricerca in educazione e formazione", solo i primi tre capitoli. Carocci, Roma, 2003. Totale pagine: 352.

2. Rapporto di ricerca “Stereotipi di genere, relazioni educative e infanzie”(scaricabile da: https://parita.regione.emilia-romagna.it/documentazione/documentazione-temi/documentazione-stereotipi-di-genere/ricerca-201cstereotipi-di-genere-relazioni-educative-e-infanzie201d-1)

3. J. Dewey, 1939, Unity of science as social problem, trad. it. in P. Lucisano, L’unità della scienza come problema sociale, “Cadmo”, n. 22, pp. 30-35 , trovate il testo su formonline.

Integrazioni: per 3 o 2 cfu possono essere concordati o una parte del testo di Lucisano e Salerni o la ricerca sugli stereotipi.
Per 6 cfu va studiato il Manuale.

Reference Bibliography


Type of delivery of the course




Type of evaluation
