22910166 - Computer skills

The course aims to provide knowledge and skills that allow the students to use the computer as a tool for the automation of the most common and elementary activities related to information processing.

- Knowledge and understanding: Computer knowledge, understanting of the potentiality of the computer, knowledge of the information coding
- Applying knowledge and understanding: Ability to use the computer and the tool for computing fo information processing and communication
- Making judgements: The ability to understand the potential that any computing device (smartphone, laptop, PC, ecc) isable to do independeently fro the future evolution of the market
- Learning skills: be able to adapt to the changes in the future of the market and of the technology.


teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22910166 Abilità informatiche in Educatore di nido e dei servizi per l'infanzia L-19 MEZZINI MAURO


- ICT basic concepts: Algorithms and computation theory, Information encoding, Hardware, Software, Networks, communication and information technologies.
- Computer use: Operating systems, File system, Tools and Printing.
- Spreadsheet: Using excel, Cells, Managing spreadsheets, Arithmetic formula and functions, Text and number formatting, Graphs.
- Online collaboration: remote storage and on-line forms.
- Elementary python programming

Core Documentation

Informatica di Base. Mauro Mezzini, Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, seconda edizione 2020

See also the website http://host.uniroma3.it/docenti/mezzini/teaching.html

Type of delivery of the course

There are traditional lectures and session of exercises in the "Piazza Telematica" laboratory

Type of evaluation

The exam consist in a written test with 30 multiple answer questions whose duration is 40 minutes

teacher profile | teaching materials

Mutuazione: 22910166 Abilità informatiche in Educatore di nido e dei servizi per l'infanzia L-19 MEZZINI MAURO


- ICT basic concepts: Algorithms and computation theory, Information encoding, Hardware, Software, Networks, communication and information technologies.
- Computer use: Operating systems, File system, Tools and Printing.
- Spreadsheet: Using excel, Cells, Managing spreadsheets, Arithmetic formula and functions, Text and number formatting, Graphs.
- Online collaboration: remote storage and on-line forms.
- Elementary python programming

Core Documentation

Informatica di Base. Mauro Mezzini, Apogeo Education, Maggioli Editore, seconda edizione 2020

See also the website http://host.uniroma3.it/docenti/mezzini/teaching.html

Type of delivery of the course

There are traditional lectures and session of exercises in the "Piazza Telematica" laboratory

Type of evaluation

The exam consist in a written test with 30 multiple answer questions whose duration is 40 minutes