To have a conceptual knowledge of the origins and the key developments of evaluation and evaluation research; to master the theoretical and epistemological framework of evaluation research; to know the most important theoretical and practical approaches to evaluation and evaluation research; to identify the relationships between policies and evaluation in the field of education and of social services; to critically discuss the relation between evaluation and policies both at a macro- and at a micro- levels.
Knowledge and understanding
To have a conceptual knowledge of the origins and the key developments of evaluation and evaluation research; to master the theoretical and epistemological framework of evaluation research; to know the most important theoretical and practical approaches to evaluation and evaluation research.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Be able to: identify actors’ and stakeholders’ needs for the evaluation; define an evaluation plan; select approaches and tools in relation to aims and objectives of the evaluation.
Making judgements
Be able to: identify the relationships between policies and evaluation in the field of education and of social services; critically discuss the relation between evaluation and policies both at a macro- and at a
Communication skills
Be able to: critically analyse the concepts and language used in the field of evaluation; draft an evaluation plan.
Learning skills
To be able to deepen the acquired knowledge through different texts and learning experiences.
Knowledge and understanding
To have a conceptual knowledge of the origins and the key developments of evaluation and evaluation research; to master the theoretical and epistemological framework of evaluation research; to know the most important theoretical and practical approaches to evaluation and evaluation research.
Applying knowledge and understanding
Be able to: identify actors’ and stakeholders’ needs for the evaluation; define an evaluation plan; select approaches and tools in relation to aims and objectives of the evaluation.
Making judgements
Be able to: identify the relationships between policies and evaluation in the field of education and of social services; critically discuss the relation between evaluation and policies both at a macro- and at a
Communication skills
Be able to: critically analyse the concepts and language used in the field of evaluation; draft an evaluation plan.
Learning skills
To be able to deepen the acquired knowledge through different texts and learning experiences.
teacher profile teaching materials
The topics will be the subject of practical exercises.
C. Corsini, "La valutazione che educa", FrancoAngeli, Roma, 2023. Pagine totali: 128.
At least three of the following essays from N. Stame, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 (materiale fornito dal docente):
E.G. Guba, Y.S. Lincoln, La valutazione di quarta generazione, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 128-156.
E.R. House, K.R. Howe, Valutazione e democrazia deliberativa, pp. 417-428.
L. J. Cronbach, Le nostre novantacinque tesi In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 178-187.
M.Q. Patton, Il dibattito sui paradigmi: una sintesi utilitarista, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 188-239.
The main theories and techniques of evaluation will be presented discussed. The relationship between design and evaluation will be addressed. The characteristics of evaluation processes will be also discussed, with particular reference to objects, objectives, validity (of content, construct, criterion and consequences), procedures and, above all, functions. Different theoretical and methodological approaches to evaluation will, in addition, be discussed.The topics will be the subject of practical exercises.
Core Documentation
E.M. Torre, "Dalla progettazione alla valutazione", Carocci, Roma, 2014. Pagine totali: 160C. Corsini, "La valutazione che educa", FrancoAngeli, Roma, 2023. Pagine totali: 128.
At least three of the following essays from N. Stame, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 (materiale fornito dal docente):
E.G. Guba, Y.S. Lincoln, La valutazione di quarta generazione, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 128-156.
E.R. House, K.R. Howe, Valutazione e democrazia deliberativa, pp. 417-428.
L. J. Cronbach, Le nostre novantacinque tesi In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 178-187.
M.Q. Patton, Il dibattito sui paradigmi: una sintesi utilitarista, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 188-239.
Reference Bibliography
E.M. Torre, "Dalla progettazione alla valutazione", Carocci, Roma, 2014. Pagine totali: 160 C. Corsini, "La valutazione che educa", FrancoAngeli, Roma, 2023. Pagine totali: 128. E.G. Guba, Y.S. Lincoln, La valutazione di quarta generazione, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 128-156. E.R. House, K.R. Howe, Valutazione e democrazia deliberativa, pp. 417-428. L. J. Cronbach, Le nostre novantacinque tesi In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 178-187. M.Q. Patton, Il dibattito sui paradigmi: una sintesi utilitarista, In N. Stame, a cura di, Classici della valutazione, Milano, FrancoAngeli, 2007 pp. 188-239.Type of delivery of the course
The course consists of lectures, aimed at transmitting knowledge (see learning outcomes), and activities based on the active involvement of students, aimed at the development of competencies (see learning outcomes).Attendance
the course is in presence, it will be possible to follow some lectures onlineType of evaluation
The following indicators will be used for the assessment of the interview for each subject: 1. Provide definition of the most relevant concepts. 2. Associate concepts with sources. 3. Highlight connections with other topics. 4. Provide practical examples by personally elaborating the concepts. In order to obtain a grade higher than 26 it will be necessary, during the interview, for each topic: 1. Define concepts correctly by appropriately employing disciplinary vocabulary. 2. Make specific and consistent references to sources. 3. Make coherent connections with other topics and elaborate on them. 4. Give examples consistent with the concepts showing appropriate personal elaboration. A grade between 18 and 20 is assigned if adequate disciplinary knowledge is matched by the achievement of a good level on only one of the other indicators. A grade between 21 and 26 is assigned if disciplinary knowledge is matched by the achievement of a good level two of the other indicators. If these quality levels are not achieved or are achieved only for the topic chosen by the student, the exam is failed.