22910020 - Pedagogia generale

With the study of General Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- define and identify the epistemological and methodological field of the discipline;
- to know the concepts and semantic structures of education in the West;
- to know the meanings, connotations and methods of use of the educational lexicon in Italian;
- to identify and know the logic of the different segments of the Italian, European and international educational system;
- to know the first foundations of Western Paideia between classicism and the Middle Ages and to identify their permanence in the contemporary debate.
In terms of the application of knowledge and understanding:
- to analyse the educational practices of training systems with reference to ideas, theories and pedagogical methods;
- to identify and generalize educational phenomena and processes, both in educational institutions and in society and in daily life;
- to be able to identify educational dilemmas and contradictions in daily life, in the concrete development of educational practices, in social life.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- to formulate hypotheses and judgements concerning educational situations, both intentional and institutional and unintentional and widespread, with reference to the main problems of pedagogical reflection and to the challenges of contemporary educational systems;
- to grasp the critical elements, in terms of technique and theory of education, of the various situations of educational practice in which it operates.
In terms of communication skills:
- Being able to correctly recognize, understand and use the fundamental lexicon of the discipline;
- To be able to formulate brief argumentative reasoning on educational theories and on the problems of educational systems and situations.
In terms of learning capacity:
- being able to identify the links between pedagogical theory and other educational sciences, in order to plan and organise one's own study in a profitable way.
teacher profile | teaching materials


Unit 1 - Education.
Categories, concepts and keywords. Phenomena, institutions and systems.

Unit 2 - Foundations of western Education. Education in some ancient and medieval classical texts.
Knowledge, dialectic, investigation for truth, philosophy.
The Soul.

Unit 3 - Classical Texts reading Laboratory.
Socrates' Apology; pages from Crito, Phaedo, Republic, Phaedrus and other platonic excerpts; Augustines: De Magistro; Thomas: De Magistro.

Examination (only 6 and 3 credits)
6 credits: Unit 1, choose between Unit 2 and Unit 3
3 credits: choose between Unit 2 and Unit 3
Students must speack with the Professor in order to choose between the Unit 2 and 3.

Core Documentation

Platone, Tutte le opere, Roma, Newton Compton.
Sant'Agostino e San Tommaso, De Magistro, Roma, Anicia.
Rocco Marcello Postiglione, Formazione professionale. Didattica accademica. Concetti intersezioni applicazioni, Roma, Anicia, 2018, chaps. 1 and 2.

Students can use every edition (Hardcover, paperback or ebook).
However, in the instructional materials we will refer to the Kindle edition.

On the contemporary issue and problems the students should study the documents uploaded in the learning platform.

Reference Bibliography

Platone, Tutte le opere, Roma, Newton Compton. Sant'Agostino e San Tommaso, De Magistro, Roma, Anicia. Rocco Marcello Postiglione, Formazione professionale. Didattica accademica. Concetti intersezioni applicazioni, Roma, Anicia, 2018, chaps. 1 and 2.

Type of delivery of the course

front lessons + moodle platform


distance course

Type of evaluation

Students must write a report on their vocational experience and on their upcoming career, which will be assessed and calculated in the final score. The test will ask 30-40 multiple-choice items and 4 open-ended questions. The test will take 2 hours. During the Covid-19 emergency time and structure of the test will be modified, and there will be an oral examination.