22910021 - Storia della Pedagogia

The training objectives of the course are aimed at the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge relating to the history of pedagogical ideas which, between the 18th and 20th centuries, were expressed by some of the most important authors of Western thought. The aim is to make students aware that the history of ideas from the past is an indispensable tool for interpreting the present.
With the study of History of Pedagogy the student will be able to achieve the following educational objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- Awareness of the epistemological foundations of the history of pedagogical ideas.
In terms of ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
- Through the knowledge acquired, critically analyze the relationship between the history of pedagogical ideas and different educational practices.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- ability to evaluate what is past survives in the present of educational contexts.
In terms of learning and investigation skills:
- development of knowledge related to the most recent cognitive pathways in the field of the history of pedagogy and education.
In terms of communication skills:
- identification and criticism of stereotypes and prejudices conveyed by pedagogical ideas, in order to favour their overcoming in educational practices.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The course consists of a basic course and a monographic part. The basic course is focused on History of pedagogical ideas from the modern age till the second half of the Twentieth century, with particular consideration to the thought of some of the most important and significant Authors in Western history of thought.
The monographic part, on the other hand, is dedicated to history of childhood in the Western World between the Seventeenth and Twentieth centuries, through the analysis of a variety of historiographic sources, from the discovery of the feeling of childhood and the identification of a new idea of childhood, to the evolution of family relationships in the Western World, as well as the transformation of actual educational practices; the differences that exist between different childhoods, not only in relation to different historical periods, but also in relation to gender and class differences.

Core Documentation

1. Saverio Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Pearson, MyLab, 2019 (e-book). (from the Modern Age)
2. Francesca Borruso (Ed.), Memoria, infanzia, educazione. Modelli educativi e vita quotidiana fra Otto e Novecento, Roma Tre Press, 2021.
3. John Dewey, Scuola e società, Preface by F. Borruso, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2018

Reference Bibliography

1. Saverio Santamaita, Storia dell'educazione e delle pedagogie, Pearson, MyLab, 2019 (e-book). (from the Modern Age) 2. Francesca Borruso (Ed.), Memoria, infanzia, educazione. Modelli educativi e vita quotidiana fra Otto e Novecento, Roma Tre Press, 2021. 3. John Dewey, Scuola e società, Preface by F. Borruso, Edizioni Conoscenza, Roma, 2018

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be delivered through taught classes, audiovisual material will be adopted: films and documentaries will be used.


Attendance is optional.

Type of evaluation

Multiple choice test (40 questions for 9 credits) and 2 open answers (not exceeding 10/15 lines) aimed at verifying the acquisition of knowledge. The open answer will evaluate: 1. the acquisition of notions and the interdisciplinary interweaving of the different knowledge involved in teaching; 2. knowledge of the Italian language and the regionality of scientific discourse 3. critically reasoning on the knowledge