To improve educational, strategical, methodological, instructional, technic, and instrumental skills and competences in the field of planning, managing and evaluating educational policies, services and activities, by practicing them during the time spent in stage and by reflecting during the supervision and personal studying.
To study again the scientific and cultural foundations of educational activities by defining, during the stage, the operational, instructional and educational instru-ments requested by individualized activities targeted on users of the educational organizations where stage takes place.
By the study of Attività coordinative di supervisione del tirocinio the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
- Knowledge and understanding:
To know the instruments to plan, manage and evaluate educational services and activities.
- Applying knowledge and understanding:
- To perform tasks linked to coordination of educational activities: situations, contexts and needs analysis; planning or designing activities; taking decisions, checking or monitoring activities; supervision; counselling; evaluation and assessment.
- Making judgements:
- To collect information, to weight up point of view, to examine situation, in order to formulating hypothesis and critical statements about what is observed or happens in and around the educational activities planned, managed or evaluated.
- Communication skills:
- To know and be able to use the way to show plans, project or programs, to communicate the input necessary to coordinate and direct activities, to present the results of monitoring, checking, assessment and evaluation.
- To be able to have dialogue and interact using active listening, empathy and emotional sharing, as required to direct, lead and coordinate educational services, activities and organisations.
- Learning skills:
- To identify his/her own training and educational needs, by means of the analysis of educational problems and situations.
- To identify skills and knowledge involved in the professional transition and transformations, which are necessary to improve his/her competences.
Methods of connection with other teachings
Although there is no pre-requisite relationship, the teaching links to the following: Socio-educational methods and strategies for diversitỳ, Educational models for integration, Educational strategies for new communication processes.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The teaching consists in a stage, supported by means of individualized activities offered to the students during it.
The stage is focused on the observation of essential issues in the management and direction of educational services, and therefore deals with the following topics:
- Analysis of users' life contexts and of the social contexts where the services operate
- Identification and analysis of the educational needs of users
- narration, biography and autobiography as tools of educational work
- educational planning and support for the existential planning of users
- leadership models of educational institutions
- models and strategies for economic and professional management
- models and experiences of construction and management of social and educational networks
- pedagogical supervision
- evaluation of educational interventions

Core Documentation

The teaching is designed to support the development of the internship.
The materials useful for the study will be identified mainly with individual students, depending on the activity carried out. Some terms of reference will be introduced and processed through the online platform
During the year, the teacher will indicate two volumes of study, updating this platform.
Alongside the study texts, students will have to systematically use some reference texts of a methodological nature, which will have to be regularly used to draft documents and carry out the moments of empirical research inevitably required by the training activity

Reference Bibliography

Study books: 2, to be defined Methodological reference texts: Eco Umberto, Come si fa una tesi di laurea. Le materie umanistiche, Milano, Bompiani, 2013 PIERGIORGIO CORBETTA, Metodologia e tecniche della ricerca sociale, Bologna, il Mulino, 2014. Beltramo Marina, Nesci Maria Teresa, Dizionario di stile e di scrittura, Bologna, Zanichelli, 2011.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will take place both through an on line resource, formonline.uniroma3.it, and in classroom. The remote resource will be used to guide and manage the guidance process, the choice of the structure, to support the development and evaluation of the internship, through special materials and indications to elaborate the papers that will compose the final report. The lectures will provide brief theoretical and methodological introductions to the various issues of the professional profile the course of study is aimed to (skills of analysis of situations and needs, planning, management, coordination, monitoring, supervision, evaluation), and will represent also moments of group discussion on the performance of the internship, prepared as soon as the students will accomplish the required papers.


Attendance is not mandatory. However, are mandatory the activities described and scheduled through the resource on formonline.uniroma3.it and to write a final report. The theoretical and methodological lectures (around 12 hours) will be carried out mainly during the first semester. The others, agreed with the students based on the progress of the internship and their performance of the planned activities.

Type of evaluation

Students will be evaluated based on: - interactions, during the year with the teacher and the support staff for the internship - final relation - exam interview - evaluation of the external tutor