The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and con-ceptual tools of a sociological nature which allow them to analyse in a competent manner the legal-institutional phenomena which influence the transformation of welfare systems in the contemporary world. Particular attention is paid to the ef-fects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of the territorialisation of welfare.
At the end of the course the student is able to:
Knowledge and understanding:
- to use the concepts and tools of sociology in the analysis of the processes that interconnect the evolution of the legal-institutional framework with the transformation of welfare systems.
Applying knowledge and understanding:
- competently describe the phenomena of change in the welfare system in their legal-institutional genesis.
Making judgements:
- to evaluate and critically discuss the implications that territorialisation processes have on welfare systems.
Communication skills:
- to represent with terminological and conceptual appropriateness the phenomena and processes being studied.
Learning skills:
- to carry out in-depth studies on the topics dealt with, drawing appropriately on the field of studies and research in the sector.


teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and conceptual tools of a sociological nature to be able to competently analyze the legal-institutional phenomena that influence the transformation of welfare systems. Particular attention is to describe the effects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of welfare territorialization.

The juridical-formal axes along which the plurality of public policies in the social field will be described, and the students will be oriented to reflectivity on their consequences, particularly in the area of ​​professional work.

Core Documentation

1. one book:
E. Codini, A. Fossati, S.A. Frego Luppi, (2017), “Manuale di diritto dei servizi sociali”, Giappichelli editore, Torino. (alcuni capitoli che verranno indicati con differenziazione tra frequentanti e non)

2. one of these:
L. Bifluco (a cura di), (2003), “Il genius loci del welfare. Strutture e processi della qualità sociale”, Officina Edizioni, Roma.
V. Ferrari, (2018), “Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto”, Laterza, Bari.
R. Monteleone, (a cura di), (2007), “La contrattualizzazione nelle politiche sociali: forme ed effetti”, Roma, Officina edizioni.
G. Pacifici, (2015), “Le maschere del male. Una sociologia”, Feltrinelli, Roma.
A. Supiot, (2006), “Homo juridicus. Saggio sulla funzione antropologica del diritto”, Bruno Mondadori Editore, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held in the classroom in a single weekly appointment with the help of the educational platform. Teaching will therefore be participated. Students who continually attend educational activities are admitted to take an intermediate test in December 2019. More information will be provided by the professor Accorinti during the lessons.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in oral form which consists in a discussion of the contents. In addition students who regularly attend activities are allowed to take a written mid-term test in December 2019 according to what will be indicated during the lessons.

teacher profile | teaching materials


The aim of the course is to provide students with the theoretical bases and conceptual tools of a sociological nature to be able to competently analyze the legal-institutional phenomena that influence the transformation of welfare systems. Particular attention is to describe the effects produced by the evolutionary processes of the regulatory framework in the direction of welfare territorialization.

The juridical-formal axes along which the plurality of public policies in the social field will be described, and the students will be oriented to reflectivity on their consequences, particularly in the area of ​​professional work.

Core Documentation

1. one book:
E. Codini, A. Fossati, S.A. Frego Luppi, (2017), “Manuale di diritto dei servizi sociali”, Giappichelli editore, Torino. (alcuni capitoli che verranno indicati con differenziazione tra frequentanti e non)

2. one of these:
L. Bifluco (a cura di), (2003), “Il genius loci del welfare. Strutture e processi della qualità sociale”, Officina Edizioni, Roma.
V. Ferrari, (2018), “Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto”, Laterza, Bari.
R. Monteleone, (a cura di), (2007), “La contrattualizzazione nelle politiche sociali: forme ed effetti”, Roma, Officina edizioni.
G. Pacifici, (2015), “Le maschere del male. Una sociologia”, Feltrinelli, Roma.
A. Supiot, (2006), “Homo juridicus. Saggio sulla funzione antropologica del diritto”, Bruno Mondadori Editore, Milano.

Type of delivery of the course

The course will be held in the classroom in a single weekly appointment with the help of the educational platform. Teaching will therefore be participated. Students who continually attend educational activities are admitted to take an intermediate test in December 2019. More information will be provided by the professor Accorinti during the lessons.

Type of evaluation

The exam takes place in oral form which consists in a discussion of the contents. In addition students who regularly attend activities are allowed to take a written mid-term test in December 2019 according to what will be indicated during the lessons.