22902379 - Sociology of education and children

The purpose of the course is to lay the foundations of childhood culture as a permanent condition of every human community. The priority will be to identify myths, values, roles of behavior in different contexts that define the concept of childhood and inspire political, social, pedagogical and economic practices.

With the study of the Sociology of Education and Childhood the student will be able to achieve the following training objectives.
In terms of knowledge and understanding:
- identify, investigate and understand the main orientations of the theory of sociological thinking in relation to childhood;
- learn the fundamentals of sociological epistemology.
In terms of applying knowledge and understanding:
- learn the features of the approach to the study of childhood, its characteristics and its basic concepts;
- identify, analyze and understand the phenomena of educational development processes.
In terms of autonomy of judgment:
- Link sociological theory to educational issues, progress and social change;
- Understand the global society of our century through sociological currents.
In terms of communicative abilities:
- acquire mastery of the scientific language of expertise;
- develop competence in the design and organization of pedagogical thinking and educational action.
In terms of learning ability:
- understand the myths, values and patterns of behavior of contemporary social models;
- Understand the processes of change in the relationship between the field of childhood and the different sectors of the social.
teacher profile | teaching materials


The purpose of the course is to lay the foundations of childhood culture as a permanent condition of every human community. The priority will be to identify myths, values, roles of behavior in different contexts that define the concept of childhood and inspire political, social, pedagogical and economic practices.

Core Documentation


1. Marina D’Amato, Ci siamo persi i bambini, Laterza, Roma;
2. Marina D’Amato, Per una sociologia dell’educazione e dell’infanzia, dispense 2013-2014, Roma (in vendita presso la libreria Libropoli);
3. Marina D’Amato, Telefantasie, (primi 4 capitoli) Franco Angeli, Milano;

4. un testo a scelta tra:
- Marina D’Amato, Musei e identità sociale, Le Lettere, Firenze;
- Marina D'Amato, Finzioni e mondi possibili, Libreriauniversitaria, Roma;
-Marina D’Amato, Ragioni e Sentimenti, (parte in italiano), RomaTrE-Press, Roma, 2016;
-Milena Gammaitoni, Storie di vita di artiste europee, Cleup, Padova.

Type of delivery of the course

Moodle platform: formonline.uniroma3.it

Type of evaluation

Write examination Evaluate: - the critical and analytical reasoning skills of the subjects studied; - language property, oral and written, and expressive abilities; - knowledge and understanding of texts and lessons; - the autonomy of judgment and the acquisition of a method of study.